Traveling with 2 Under 2

Anyone have any ideas on the best way to taclke this... I have a 17 month old and a 2 month old traveling by myself on a 2 hour flight. I myself have always been an overpacker but I know this is not going to work with two babies. Any tips or tricks to make this as smooth as possible??
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Have you checked you’re actually able to fly on your own with 2 infants? I see you’re in the US, not sure if regulations are different, but in the UK (and EU I think) it has to be minimum of 1 adult per child under the age of 2

i have a 20 month old & a one month old, we’re going away on Monday for a week- we’re not flying though, we’re travelling to somewhere in the same country but the car ride is over 3 hours. obviously we don’t have a restriction on what we can pack like you would on a plane but packing for 2 little ones for us has been hard 🥲😂only because i’m an overpacker too!! we’re only going for a week & i feel like ive already packed our lives into suitcases 🤦🏻‍♀️ BUT i do know people who have flown with little ones quite early on, and they told me taking entertainment for both kids was a life saver! such as activity books, their favourite toys and shows, pens & paper, snacks, milk for your littlest, sweets for their ears, etc. staying calm is key also, if they cry or get stressed, don’t worry about the other passengers! i know it’s easier said than done but just focus on your little family & getting through the flight. you’ll be fine i know it x

@Danielle wow! Really?? I have never thought about it! I have never heard of not being able to but that makes sense safety wise

@Roanne thank you! And definitely easier said then done but thankful my oldest loves flying and does really well. Everytime we flew prior to having two everyone was always like we didn't even know a baby was on the flight! Lol the youngest is just breastfed so if I feed her and baby wear her, she's good. It's the STUFF that's stressing me out lol! Having snacks and enough snacks and clothes and diapers and taking the carseats and the double stroller. Do I bring two suitcases or stuff everything in one? Lol how tf am I going to get everything to the car from the baggage claim?!

We just came back from Poland with our 3.5 month old. We went for 9 days and it was also a 2 hour flight. Stuff wise, the biggest indicator (that I didn’t follow) was the weather. I regret this so much as it was 30+ degrees Celsius everyday and I packed 9 long sleeve sleep suits 🤦🏻‍♀️ didn’t use a single one. Check the weather and then pack 1 outfit for each day you’re staying + 2 spare ones in case of spit up or blow outs. Diapers we just took enough for the first 3 days and then bought some there and I took 4 packs of wipes but only used 3.

@Julia This was so helpful! Thank you! I did 4 diapers per day as we're only staying 4 days. And the outfits I did do one per day +2 so good! I wasn't far off! Did you take a double stroller, carseats, tablets?

@Bosh we took our pram and the car seat too

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