Routine for a 6month old. FTM

We are desperately struggling with a routine for our son, he is so used to going to bed at 11 pm. That’s what time I would go to bed pregnant,we’ve tried to go earlier than that but it is not working. He used to sleep through the night but is now waking up 3-6 times a night. Hardly naps during the day,because I can never get him to. Serious case of FOMO. We went camping a couple weeks ago and we had to co sleep because there was no room for the bassinet we brought, and now he won’t sleep in his own bassinet. We are desperate and exhausted. Idk what to do. I feel like I’m failing. He goes to bed around 11 pm. Wakes up around 9:30/10.
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How long has this been going on for? I remember the 6 month sleep regression being the worst yet (at the time). Don’t give up on sleeping him in his crib. You will be glad later. He might be waking because he’s overtired. Will he go for car or stroller naps? Don’t make it too rewarding for him to wake up in the middle of the night. You think they’re just babies but no, they know exactly what to do. Last thing is just thug it out, they go through weeks where you don’t know what happened to your precious angel baby and by the time you “figure it out” they’ve actually just decided to act normal again 🫠

You’re doing great! Self doubt is such a strong emotion and it’s hard to deal with. But just know you’re doing everything you can. 6 months is sleep regression time so their sleep is a mess at night and their naps suck too. They’re trying to learn a big skill like rolling or sitting up. The regression passes in a couple weeks normally. Keep trying to stay on your routine. If you’d like a newer routine, you could try waking your baby up 15/30 mins earlier every few days and shifting their schedule back gradually. It takes a minute but does work :)

try starting with waking up at 7:30 even if he goes to bed at 11! the try a nap at 10:30, up at 11:30, and another at 2:30, up by 4:30 (latest), dinner at 6, bath at 6:30, cuddles and loves at 7, bed 7:30! we did started the ferber method at 7 months old and it only took him a week! the 6 months sleep regression is no joke but it will pass!

Honestly… when my son was going through a sleep regression I would buy dr teals sleep spray. Put a couple of drops in it in the humidifier. Then I would put it in the room he was sleeping in and let it do its job. I would also give him a warm bath with Johnson and Johnson sleep soap, then rub him in J&J sleep lotion then give him a bottle and it would knock him out VERY time no matter if it was day or night

If you want him to start going to bed earlier, you may have to wake him earlier. Each baby only needs a certain hours of sleep per 24 hours, he may only need 10-11 in 24hours.

Pay attention to wake windows and stick to a routine.

Research different sleep training methods

Don't feed him if he wakes at night and make sure he gets enough calories during the day. But with all that said, be kind to yourself cuz that sleep regression is a real thing paired with the teething.

Also note that the sleep sweet spot for littles is between 6 and 8.

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