EBF transition/ bottle refusal rant

I am so freaking tired, I told myself I'll do 4 months of breastfeeding that's my goal and here we are almost 10 months and I'm absolutely over it. I know it's the best or whatever but I am exhausted I can't work during the day because I have to breastfeed and pump all day I fit my work in to 4 exhaustive hours from 9 to midnight when the baby actually sleeps. So I gave up finally, we bought formula and she drank the whole bottle. Three days later she refused three bottles today and only wants to breastfeed. I'm sitting there completely defeated crying while I breastfeed because she won't freaking eat and my husband says "we'll try again tomorrow" I can't do this anymore I don't want to breastfeed this baby. We have four different types of bottles and she has accepted all of them in the past, drinks watter from a straw cup but she wouldn't take the milk that way either.
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I’m going thru the same exact thing. Please someone help. None of the methods I’ve tried have worked yet. I think I’m not being consistent enough cause I get tired and give in

I’m not sure if this’ll be much help but do you have any sippy cups? I’ve found my son will drank on his own if I lay him in the floor with his bottle so he can hold it himself.

Maybe try a different bottle/teet size for the bottle. It could be that if your supply is faster then the bottle teet that’s why she is now refusing it. Or try expressing some milk and putting it in a bottle then the next bottle use formula. Your milk will taste different to the formula so you may have to slowly introduce it. But all I would suggest is she will drink if she’s that hungry, try not to give her boob x

When I say try not to give her boob I mean don’t starve her but if you can express and she will take it do that for a little while to get her used to a bottle and slowly give a formula bottle hear and their and slowly build that up until she is taking all formula bottles

My daughters the same shes 11 months and refused bottle and dummys every day since birth and then i tried about a month ago using a mam bottle i already had but brought the lansinoh teat off amazon as i heard they was compatible ive been trying to cut out the day BF but some days she just wants me especially teething, and through the night she refuses bottle after 10pm only wants me, i am hoping she will grow out of it from one but if not i have no idea what to do. I go through days of loving it and the bond, then theres days i feel trapped and regret every starting which makes me feel awful and its not her fault, but you are not alone i am just hoping she will get bored eventually as milk from bottle is ‘easier’ 🤦🏽‍♀️x

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