Should I crate train my dog for nights?

He has started opening baby's bedroom door and jumping over the baby gate. I sleep in the baby's room, so I've started trying to get back into my own room and be with the dog but that doesn't help, he paces nearly all night , and we can't get any sleep. He also does this during the daytime but obviously I'm there to tell him off and redirect him I've actually had enough now, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and really worried about when the new baby comes along and the dog is going to be a nightmare
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How old is dog and have you been to the vets recently? The pacing is a big red flag and if the dog isn’t sleeping then it’s usually because there is something else going on.

Yes, crate training is almost always a good idea except for severe separation anxiety. The crate is their safe space!

He's 2, and no not been to the vets. I put the pacing down to separation anxiety, and him not settling due to the fact that I come in to the room and 30-60 minutes later I'm out of the room again seeing to baby 🤷🏻‍♀️ Didn't think about it being anything else, I shall book a vet appointment. I feel really guilty, I don't take him out in the daytime because I don't feel comfortable walking both baby and dog, and we will only walk in the evening if my partner can be bothered or we have the time around dinner bath and bed routine 🙄 He's my partner's dog, and I feel sad because we aren't giving him the best anymore because of baby, and when I try to talk about hiring a trainer or behaviourist to help us, my partner dismisses me and says we don't need it.

Aw poor pup. Has he been crated before? What breed? He probably also has a lot of pent up energy then. Have you considered hiring a dog walker or sending him to daycare 1-2x a week?

I’d say vets first, rule out any health issues that could be causing the pacing, if he’s all clear then definitely get a crate and train him, not just for sleep but so he also has a safe place to go when getting wants to be left alone, make sure he’s being walked every day & if that’s not helping then definitely get a trainer involved as it can’t be easy on him being so anxious all the time

Personally I think crate training is essential, think about it, if they ever end up in the vets for an op, they wake up in a crate. We think of a crate as Chester’s bed room, he has 2 one in the living room, and one in our bedroom, both are open to him in the day, he comes and goes as he pleases. At night he’s in his bed. I hope it works out for you x

Everyones going to have a different opinion on general crate training but in this specific case it sounds to me like the dog needs more exercise not further constriction. A dog walker is a good idea if you can't guarantee 1 decent walk each day, though I'm curious whether some small tweaks to your routine could allow for this, or at least contribute to more exercise on top of a walker? E.g. could you take it in turns to do a walk/get the baby ready for bed? Or do both together which might encourage him to do it & help build your confidence walking the dog with the pram? Or perhaps your partner can find another way to fit his dog around his work if you're doing the lion's share of baby care? On a personal note, I was also nervous about walking my 2 dogs with a pram once my baby got too heavy to carry but they quickly got used to thep pram rules once I took the leap and now it's fine. Great mental break for me and fresh air for the baby and dogs before bed which helps settle everyone. Best of luck with it x

See what the vets say before trying to do any crate training. It could be anxiety led but probably not separation anxiety unless he showed it beforehand. Could be anxiety just linked to the changes. Either way the vet can help and give meds to calm him down a bit. The constant pacing is a concern though there is definitely something underlying there whether it’s health or anxiety. Just see what the vet says first and go from there. Crate training is always worth doing, it will give him a safe place that is his at the very least. I would just hold off till vets for now, just in case there is something else going on first. Don’t worry about not getting him out, dogs can cope with not being walked as long as he is getting out a couple of times a week. Please don’t beat yourself up, dogs are very adaptable, see what the vet says and then you can make some decisions to make everyone’s life easier afterwards ☺️

Thank you so much everyone for your responses, this is so so so helpful!! He's a staffy and has used the crate before but not in the sense of closing him in all night or day times, he used to use it in our old house and would choose to go in periodically through the day or night to nap. Ok so plan is, take him to the vet make sure there's nothing underlying going on. Introduce the crate to him and get him comfortable with it again, hopefully he can then stay in there over night. My partner and I are already trying to get me comfortable walking dog and baby together, so will continue with that. We walk him 3x a week, and I try and do things in the garden (fetch, hide and seek with toys/treats, attach his rope to the fence so he can tug it etc etc) but definitely going to try and get out on 1 walk a day!

Yes he will need the one walk a day can I ask what worries u about walking the dog and baby , on my mat leave and thereafter I had to do it as with no family or friends support I couldnt do two walks in one day , if he's shattered he won't have time to be anxious he'll be sparkoed I you can Try and overcome any worry you had abou takin them out together it'll save you money and the dog and you will be happier I bet let us know how you get on

Also it's a long life and they're both important to you all , it's finding a balance that suits all of he's shut in crate he may see it as a punihmhr and get jealous of baby, the idea of building up to taking them out together is brilliant

@kym what worries me is that the dog pulls on the retractable lead, and then goes on a long line(5m) when we're anywhere other than the pavement, and the line gets caught up in the pram because he does zig zags and goes wherever he wants. He's also very playful and when he sees another dog can be reactive. We've been working on this though. I now use a slip lead on pavements, so he's directly next to me/pram. Then on the long line (we've only practiced down one particular lane so far), but he manages to stick to the right side, as long as I'm verbal often! We haven't been to places where we see other dogs a lot, as I'm not sure about that yet. But I'm sure we will build up to it.

I also agree about him seeing the crate as a punishment, we're working on getting him to go in there himself when he feels he needs to get away. It's taking its time, so far he's gone to the entrance and sniffed inside, but not happy to go in yet. But it's all progress I suppose

Good job on switching leads, that should really help him to start walking calmer and when he walks calmer you should be able to tackle the reactivity. My girl was the exact same and just since Friday she’s become far better on a slip lead, when she’s got it really well i’ll start to tackle her reactivity, when they’re irate it’s much more common for reactions to happen so working on his pulling is definitely the first step to getting him better! Sounds like you’re doing a great job so far

Thats brilliant and the devotion you have shown for your dog and child is admirable , yes deffo build up to everyThing slowly , we found putting the lead on the harness rather than neck was good as I worried about hurting her neck but with the harness there is complete control :)

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Sounds like you are finding Ur way :)

Feed him in his crate, will help make the crate a feel good place quicker :)

Thank you @Becky ooh we shall try feeding him in there today!

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