Silent reflux,?

Hi,.my baby is 10 weeks old and has always had milk spit up so we use Dr brown bottles and pace feed. She recently has became more distressed after feeds, will cry for hours afterwards, only want to be upright (so this is disturbing sleep) and suckle at anything furiously (not a dummy). She's having more spit up but no actual vomit and the spit up isn't loads. Is this a case of silent reflux or possibly something else? We are trying gaviscon but when we tried this before it just caused constipation and we aren't really seeing any immediate results in terms of her comfort. We use Hipp organic formula.
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Has she got any other symptoms? Such as eczema, blood in stool, congested, sneezing, hiccups, unsettled during and after feed, arches her back? You could try a thickener as well but a lot of them cause constipation so doctors (at least the one I see) prescribe stool softener to help with the constipation x

@Julia She has hiccups, is unsettled towards end and after feed and arches her back afterwards. No stool issues. An osteopath last week said her eyes seemed a bit congested but attributed this to neck tension. She has what the gp thought was a yeast rash on her neck after having oral thrush, this is going away with cream now. Thanks. Carobel is a thickener right ? Not sure of any others yet. Was thinking of switching to an anti reflux formulas

@Adeola It could be an intolerance to the cows milk. Might be worth speaking with a doctor or health visitor about it. Carobel is a thickener yes and even though there are measurements on the side or back it’s test and trial to see what works best for your little one x

Sounds like silent reflux but as above comment it could be a slight intolerance to milk. Gps aren’t great unless baby has been those typical text book symptoms. The only way to know is changing to dairy free formula and then trialing back again to see if symptoms go. However - silent reflux is also immaturity of the gut which gets better over time. Xx

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