Walking after a meal

Hi, I just worked out that if I go for a walk right after breakfast my sugar levels don’t spike. My breakfast was quite straight forward. Wholemeal toast, half avocado, scrambled egg (only one) and a coffee. I normally have a kiwi but I didn’t today. I went straight for a walk after and then took my blood which was 5.2 I was chuffed but I am not sure whether this is cheating? I normally do exersice an hour after the meal but realised this wasn’t doing anything.
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My dietician said to always walk straight after every meal! It means you use your sugar before it hits your blood sugar. Not cheating at all.

Thank you! I will take this into account! 💞💞

Not cheating! I do 10-20min yoga after breakfast, walk 10min after lunch & 20min walk after dinner. Like Emma said, it just helps your body use the carbs more effectively.

Thanks a lot! It is hard as I do exercise everyday but I just don’t like after food as sometimes I feel I will puke! Also I don’t think I can go for a walk every dinner 😅

@Cristina yea, do what you can. Maybe just target exercise after particularly carby meals that you think will spike. I will say, that my first two weeks, walking was really hard. I was slow, and my back ached. But almost all of my back aches have completely subsided and I 100% attribute it to daily stretching and walking. Silver lining to this GD thing! I am also fortunate that I have the flexibility in my schedule to exercise after each meal. I recognize that is a luxury not everyone has.

Also if you’re not up for going for a walk look up Caroline Jordan on YouTube she’s diabetic and has exercise videos that are 5-10 minutes long specifically designed to lower blood sugar, they are low impact too and she even has some that you can do sitting on a chair, I started completing these exercise routines soon after being diagnosed and it has kept all my post meal sugars very low I even managed to have a cheeky McDonald’s and my sugar levels were 5.4 afterwards! And I’ve lost 3.5kg healthily since being diagnosed only 2 weeks ago!

@Alia very useful thank you

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