3 months old multiple wake ups in the night

My LO wakes ip in the night whenever he feels uncomfortable and as to pass gas. Then he wants to feed no matter what. How to get out of this habit ?
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Have you considered gripe water to help ease his stomach?

Yea, I do give him gripe water . It helps a bit but not 100%. How frequently usually people give gripe water ?

Do you swaddle? It helps my 3m settle himself.

I’ll assume he’s 3-4 months and is in a healthy weight range? Gripe water and/or baby probiotics for sure. Consult your ped. Reduce his naps so he’s sleeping 3-4 hours only in the daytime. This makes them more tired and sleep throughout the night. My LO has been sleeping 8-9 hrs, then would feed for 15 min and go back asleep for 2hours since he was 2 months. Now I’m encouraging him toward a 12 hour sleep rhythm and the key is to limit their daytime naps, keep them preoccupied even if that is playing calmly in their bassinet / crib by themselves. In terms of feeding make sure he’s fed every 4 hours during the day as much as he wants (without distraction), and kept upright to burp.

And he’s swaddled! That’s a game changer if you don’t do it already :)

@Dixie @Farah yes, I do swaddle him. How much gripe water do you give usually ? Is it right before going to bed ?

@nand I have actually never given gripe water. When we switched to goats milk formula his gas pains are pretty much gone. My 3m old is sleeping through the night. From 10:30ish - 6:30ish. I don’t believe in early bedtimes so he goes to sleep when we go to sleep. When I do his last feeding I swaddle, darken the room and put on a sound machine. I also offer an extra ounce. During the day I do the opposite. Bright room, loud noises, no swaddle.

@nand gripewater infrequently in an as needed basis, and I don’t do it right before bed. My baby is also exclusively breastfed which may make a difference bc night milk has melatonin in it to help them sleep. You may want to consider what works for your schedule— what you want/ need to function before you set his schedule. My little one was sleeping from 9pm to 5am, feeding and then going back down for an additional two hours. I just eliminated that early morning feed bc I want that time in the morning. So I moved his bedtime to 7pm (very normal for a young child) so he can sleep straight to 7am. And it works like a charm. Experiment and see what makes sense for you and your baby!

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