Separation anxiety

My baby is 10 months old and she’s got separation anxiety. People keep telling me “just leave her with someone and let her cry because she has to learn. But it absolutely breaks my heart ❤️ is there another gradual way or something please help?? I’ve tried people she knows well and it’s still not working even after 30 mins I get a call that she’s distressed and won’t stop screaming
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So, it will stop in some point, I’m with my second baby he is 10, and I can’t leave him with anybody besides my husband, sometimes he is ok with my parents, but you will know baby is ready to go with someone whenever baby reach arms to them. Sometimes we see family and friends, and when they want to hold my son, he sees them and if he is cling to me he is not ready, if he extends arms we try, all I can say is be patient, it will get better. I don’t believe in the idea of “letting baby cry because they need to learn”, Crying is the only method they have to communicate, so trust your instincts, you are the mom and know what’s best for your baby.

My son is also 10 months and I’ve had enough of the bloody murder screaming anytime anyone holds him. So I started gradually leaving him either in a safe space like his playpen with comforting items (he has a favorite stuffed animal and toys) for 5 minutes and just keep gradually adding time. Also I don’t sneak out of the room anymore I tell him I’m leaving and I’ll be back. I also have had my fiancé doing bedtime with him every night. Since all these changes my son is still clinging but it’s less and less. We just started this process a week ago

I think gradual is best. Like let her play with someone in the living room and you go to the kitchen for 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes etc. You can build and build until you’re out of the house for 15 minutes etc etc.

Your baby will only be a baby once don’t leave that little girl she needs her mama. She will be very secure knowing you don’t let her just “cry it out”

@Karina Cox thank you so much for this. My baby is on same boat. I feel relieved knowing it will end some day.

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