Head circumference

Has anyone else’s newborn had their head measured yet at 6-8week check with GP? My little boy is 7 weeks and head is measuring at 40.5cm which they said is big… it doesn’t look big though and looks in proportion with his body. Just wondering if I should be concerned !
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Did they plot the measurement on his growth chart? Mine had her head measurement taken yesterday at her 8 weeks check and is measuring in the 70th percentile whereas her height and weight are above 90th but they said it was completely fine. If they didn't mention it being a problem I wouldn't worry xx

My little boys is measuring big too! They’ve said it’s nothing to worry about and I’m not too worried but we need to go back in 2 weeks for another measure! They’ve said it might be his normal as when they measure their head circumference after birth it might still be squashed from birth

Their heads don’t tend to grow in proportion with their body, they have spurts where their head will grow quite quickly and then their body will catch up - so I’ve been told by our HV. So I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about

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