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Yesterday during my lunch break at work, my husband wanted to go for a walk with the stroller while SS rides his bike. Mind you SS only plays video games and it takes a whole miracle to get out the house. Anyways, almost mathematically every time the baby is in the seat, she poops. So he put her in the seat. I then went to kiss her and realized she was poopy, so I changed her obviously. My husband complained and Said "if we don't hurry up, SS will go right back in the house, it's taking too long" basically insinuating that I shouldn't have cleaned the baby's diaper. This really upset as SS is 10 years old and it literally takes 2 mins to change the diaper. Am I right to be upset? My baby also always falls asleep in the stroller so I didn't want her to sleep in poop obvisouly.
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I'd be annoyed but not upset. You know you were in the right and did all the things as quickly as possible. If I got worked up over every annoying interaction, I would no longer be married... One good eye roll, and I'd let it go 😉

Just put him in his place move on. Sometimes they don’t get it.

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