is it normal

is it normal that nobody measures my baby? when she was born, they said is not needed, H Visitor said that they will do it in GP, but GP said is not needed. So for two months nobody measured her. I think is important to do so, as we need to adjust car seat when she is 60cm.
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They don't do it until they're older now as the measurements aren't accurate as they're so scrunchy. You can have a go at doing it yourself though, lay a tape measure on the floor.

That’s odd. My baby was measured by health visitor at 6 weeks, they measured his head, length and weight (then write the measurements in red book) I would ask the health visitor again and tell her you would like it to be done x

@Cerise yees will do it so

My boy was measured by the health visitor at our 6 week appointment and I managed to do it myself with a sewing tape measure for a rough guide for removing the newborn insert from the car seat

I had the same question for my GP and they said they don’t do it and they don’t even have the device however some health visitor centres have the device…so I can try and find a place that does this. In the end I used a measuring tape to measure my LO as my car seat also had a height adjustment at 60cm

My baby was measured (height,weight & head) by health visitor on first visit at around 2 weeks old then again at 7 weeks old and all logged in his health record book the little red one. I would ask health visitor to do it on next visit

@Lola 2week visit nobody come to check on us🫣 during 6week check, HV said they are super busy and there’s delays 🫣

The only time my boy has been measured was when we had an appointment with the paediatric consultant at the hospital. They don't do it routinely now. We just put him on a changing mat and measure him with a sewing kit tape measure to keep rough track x

My little boy was measured by the health visitor at 2 weeks and again by the gp at our 6 week check, seems like some do it and others don’t x

If your little one was premature they do the 6 week check at corrected age. Our little boy had his 6 week measurements and checks done at 13 weeks as 7 weeks premature. For our little girl for her car seat etc we use a knitting/sewing measuring tape and used to lie her on the floor. It will give the most accurate measurement x

@Erika I’m in Scotland so maybe it’s different. I had daily midwife visits from first day home for 14 days (turned a few down as everyday was a bit much!) then HV from day 14 and she came once a week for 3 weeks then once every 2 weeks and now moving to one every my 3 weeks (LO is 10 weeks). Visit are normally pretty quick 15mins or so. Maybe London is different but I’m sure if they ask they can make time during next visit, only took a few mins to measure him.

@Lola Oh wow! that’s many visits! I’m moving to Scotland! My cousin lives in Luxenburg and she had many visits as well, I’m not sure if I would give a birth again in London 😃 although, everything was okaaay, but when I see how much care people get in different places I would like to have the same here 😃

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