Feeling defeated and not listened to

So my due date is 13.08, my c section is booked for 12.08 (39+6). I’m having an elective due to a traumatic emergency c section in 2022. I’ve been in the hospital 5 times in the last 2 weeks. 3 episodes of reduced movements, 1 episode of bleeding and 1 episode of severe severe cramping and low low blood pressure. I am having cramping and tightenings almost everyday, and I’ve been losing my mucus plug. I am trying so hard to get my date moved forward, even just a couple days, I am 5 foot, on the lower end of BMI and my body cannot physically handle being pregnant much longer I am in pain everyday I’m struggling to do anything which isn’t fair on me or my toddler. I rang my consultant today and reached her secretary, she said that the Dr was in meetings all day but she’d send an email and get her to contact me back. All I told her was that it was about my C section. She has then emailed her secretary back, to ask me what it was regarding, and if it was regarding moving my date forward, to tell me that they just can’t. Bear in mind she hasn’t went through my notes, hasn’t spoke to me about reasoning or anything just told her secretary to tell me they can’t if it was in fact regarding moving it up. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I did also ring PAU and i’m waiting on a phone call back from a matron but the midwife on the phone did say it’s unlikely to get moved due to them really struggling to get slots. I completely understand the issues with staff, slots, busyness etc. I just don’t know what to do anymore, my body just can’t physically handle being pregnant much longer and I’m really really struggling. Any advice?
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bless your heart, keep fighting, speak to your midwife consultant gp literally anyone, they booked my c section for 39+6 and i didn’t want it that late at all, it took time but they eventually moved it to 38 weeks, keep on at your midwife and consultant they tried telling me they couldn’t move it due to staff etc but they eventually did

Keep pushing my baby is 4 months I had to push to get my date moved up I couldn’t keep going I was so uncomfortable & in so much pain plus constant braxton hicks & visits to the maternity ward I couldn’t take it. I had to advocate for myself I kept pushing & at my last appointment my husband was with me & he backed me up they did move it up earlier

@Jess who did you speak to to get it moved up? i’m just at a loss!

I’m located in Australia so at every appointment I kept pushing with the doctor & finally got one that listened. Here you don’t have the same doctor it’s whoever

I am having my c section on august 9th 🎉🙏 good luck on your births 🥰❤️ at this point I would go to the hospital for anything even if you feel is insignificant 😰

I am having the same situation! Been in with reduced movements numerous times and having the same symptoms as you!!!as well has my own medical problems on top.. Also have been told my uterus doesn’t contract due to endometriosis attached to it all. My c section is booked 3 days before my due date !! Spoke to my consultant and he said he’d email to get them to move it forward but still haven’t heard anything. Tried chasing it today and they said it hasn’t been changed as of yet !! Really hope you get yours sorted I understand your pain here xx

@Alicia I rang my consultant today, got through to her secretary, after a few hours I got a phone call back from the secretary again, saying that the Dr had asked her to ask me what it’s regarding, and if it was to move my date forward to just tell me they can’t, she didn’t even look at any notes or speak to me to see my reasoning why, i’m honestly at a loss!! i hope yours gets sorted x

I’ve seen so many different consultants it’s never the same one. The last three were horrible but the one I saw Wednesday was really lovely he listened to me and my mum came with me ( child I know ha but didn’t know what else to do) and she backed me up and also kinda pushed for it as well. He said he would send them a email to see if they would but he couldn’t tell me they definitely would. It’s honestly so draining and makes the whole experience not nice at all! My inbox is always open if you need to talk xxx

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