Milk supply

I think my milk supply has dropped and I've no idea why? I express and was doing it 2-3 times a day and getting between 800 and 900ml but in the last two weeks, it's dropped to 600ml. When I noticed, I started pumping every 2-3 hrs to bring it back up but I'm barely getting 700ml with the additional pumps. I don't know why it's suddenly dropped as I thought it would stay the same until I stopped BM feeding. Any ideas why and how to get it back up?
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Your supply does tend to regulate at the 3 month mark, so although it looks like it’s dropped, it’s regulated to what it thinks your baby needs. I had massive surplus up until my supply regulated, now I only get the full 4oz if I pump overnight or my baby hasn’t fed in a while. Do you latch baby as well or exclusively pump?

@Eleanor I had loads so froze some but I'm not dipping into that supply coz what I'm producing isn't enough for her as she's on 4-5 6oz bottles. Just pump as she didn't like the boob!

I have had similar issue recently, my baby is 4 months. I went to a feeding worker and they explained supply regulating and we feel its that. I still pump to fill freezer but don't get as much as before. Other Things that can impact supply I have found for me: not drinking enough water, stress and when I went on contraception. Hope all goes okay x

My supply massively dipped over my period then came back up. I found power pumping for a few days and staying super hydrated helped. Good luck !

I have just had my first period as I'm back on contraception! I'll keep going and hopefully it will keep me going to 6 months!

My midwife said when mine dropped, to try and get bubba back on the breast and it'll help bring the supply up, that and skin to skin with her. I've been doing both in the last couple of days & I've started to see an improvement

@Star she hates the boob, doesn't matter how hard I've tried but we do have skin to skin with cuddles

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