Late night wake ups

My son will be 2 September 13th and we have switched his crib into a toddler bed. Since March he has been waking up 1-3 times a night and fights going back to sleep. We are exhausted from trying to get him to go back to bed in his own room we ended up letting him in bed with us. From what I have noticed he cry's in his sleep and moves around a lot. He is very picky and will only he the basic toddler foods. He was a great sleeper before March always slept through the night and would sleep late. Now bed time is a fight. I will take any suggestions at this point to get him to sleep through the night again !!!
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It's been the same for us for the last month or so. She is crawling out of the crib. It's like she untrained herself and can't go back to sleep on her own like she used to.

To start, what schedule are you guys following at the moment? When he wakes up crying is he staying in bed or is he getting out of bed?

I think untrained 👆🏼 is the perfect word. We have been struggling too at this age. She has been attempting to crawl out of her crib, so we opted to lower it rather than do a toddler bed just yet. Desperate to sleep, I brought her into my bed a few nights. Ultimately, we ended up sleep training her again. The first night was like the original time all over again, but she got back into falling asleep and staying asleep independently again. Fingers crossed it sticks this time.

If it didn’t start until you transferred into toddler bed that’s why. My daughter is 22 months. She’ll be 2 9/6. She has always slept on her own and put herself to sleep since 2 months old. When I transferred her into a toddler bed the first time we shared a room. She was 11 months old. She got the comfort of me being there and knew she could see me. When I moved in January this year she wouldn’t allow the toddler bed as it was a new home. Her own room. Etc. So I put her in the pac n play. She slept all night per usual. But when I tried to transfer her into a toddler bed recently nope. She doesn’t sleep all night. Walks to my room. Etc. It’s a comfort thing. It’s new to them. It takes time to adjust just like it did when they were new babies and were crib training. Keep putting him back in his room. You allowing him to get up and sleep with you is training him that’s okay and he will adjust to that. I know it’s hard but you have to show them it’s okay to sleep by themselve

@Amani when he wakes up he gets out of bed and cry's and screams at the door. His door is tough to open it so he cannot pull it open yet.

@Kyla just like Savannah said, take him back to his bed every single time.. it’ll probably be 30 times the first night but he’ll catch on in a few days it could be a sleep schedule problem too we transitioned to a toddler bed about 3 weeks ago & it’s been smooth sailing (🤞🏾)

It might just be because of the new bed. My daughter just transferred to a new room (preparing for baby) and it took some time to adjust. She can’t open the door yet so I cracked it so she could get out on her own and she would come find me. I would also snuggle her for a while before leaving the room. A week later and she’s back to sleeping through the night

We transitioned ours early bc of baby #2 it was a long slow process and there were many nights we put him back in his crib after he woke up in the middle of the night. Then there were many nights I would snuggle with him in his bed until he fell asleep again. My biggest advice is to try to keep them in their bed or at least room as much as possible. Even if that makes some really rough nights for you right now it will be fewer nights of them waking up in the long run. Also try different routines until you find one that makes them feel safe going to bed by themselves. For our son it was asking him if he is ready for whichever parent to leave until he stopped saying no (do this with caution so they don't say no for forever and you are just trapped). Now it is waving goodbye and blowing kisses before we actually walk out. If he's not ready he won't wave back right away

My daughter will be 2 on September 13th also! And I’m going through the same thing. She has slept with us in our bed since she was maybe a month old. We’ve been trying to get her in her own bed, but since her bed is in our room due to us not being ready to move her to the other side of the house I have a bad habit of being half asleep and putting her in our bed when she wakes up crying. When she does sleep through the night in her bed it helps when I sit next to her and comfort her and then when she wakes up in the middle of the night I’ll give her a little bit of drink and rub her back to let her know I’m still there

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