Poor excuse of a Mum at the moment!

This is really bad but even doing the smallest thing now exhausts me, just existing for my toddler is all I can muster up at the moment. We’ve not been out of the house in over 2 weeks! A week of that was spent poorly with Covid though. All it’s been is screen time, favourite snacks, and letting my 2 year old trash the living room with his toys etc. I can’t help but feel bad as some days he does look a bit bored! sometimes I even have to pop him in his cot (his bedroom is next to ours) and leave him with some books, teddies and a film on his tablet so I can get a quick nap in during the day 😴 I can’t help but feel like it’s doing damage to him not being the hands on Mum and giving him the attention he needs the last few weeks! Definitely feeling the guilt for sure!
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You’re not alone. We barely go out when it’s just the 2 of us as I just can’t manage on my own due to being so exhausted and in pain with pgp so the only times she gets a day out is when her dad is home. We watch far too much tv atm and like you I just let her trash the living room with toys etc or put her in her bedroom whilst I get things done. I feel so guilty and then worry how I’m going to cope with another. We just have to remind ourselves that we’re doing our best and it won’t be like this for much longer. It does make me sad though we i really wanted to make the most of the last few weeks of it just being us but idk how to do that 😫

We all go through this at some point, it’s completely natural and normal so please don’t feel guilty. I’ve spent weeks like this now because I’m heavily pregnant with my second and my first is 14 months. Sometimes the energy I need to keep up with our usual routine I just don’t have so I have become more lenient and had to give him an extra nap so I can nap, so honestly you’re not alone. My son isn’t bothered by screens at all so I’ve found that books and toys in his cot give me that space I need and I used to feel guilty until I realised that right now, me and baby in my belly are priority because we’re so close to due date now, and my son is fed, clothed, clean, happy and a few weeks or even a couple months living more lenient to give me some ease is fine! Please don’t worry about it and try get rid of that feeling of guilt! I’m very fortunate my husbands a teacher so he’s off for the summer now, but I’ve been in that place recently and will be once he’s back at work x

Snap! My toddler is 1 and a half and I’m due in 4 weeks…I’ve been feeling all this guilt - just need baby to come so I can have my body back and look after my little ones. Xx

Just been crying about this myself. My son is 19 months and I have Fridays off work with him. I’ve always loved them but now I dread them because he’s just a ball of energy and I’m exhausted😫😓

It’s hard but honestly don’t feel bad. You can only do what you can do! Sometimes breathing is a blooming effort! My due date is 30th August and I have a nearly 6 year old and 2 year old and my eldest just wants to go out all the time but is also happy with screen time which I’m not. We try do colouring and stuff and play with lego but it’s still so hard mustering up the energy to even get them snacks constantly

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