Harmony NIPT testing

Has anybody had the Harmony - NPTI test done? If yes, please can you recommend providers. Just had my 12 weeks scan. It was a bit disappointing as they could not get a good scan due to the baby position. That means they could not do my blood tests either for screening. I was thinking of going private for peace of mind. On the bright side, we saw are baby for the first time 🥳
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Hello ☺️ yes I had it done privately for my last baby and have it booked for in 2 weeks time with my 2nd baby. I can’t recommend a provider as I don’t live near you, but I would go with someone who had been doing it for a while!

We did Panorama NIPT test this week (it’s a bit more extensive than harmony) - will be about two weeks for the results and we have our 12 week scan next Friday so I’m hoping we’ll be able to get the results from both at a similar time! They also did a transvaginal scan at the same time so I’ve got a few lovely pictures from that (but seeing as you’ve had the 12 week I don’t think a scan would be necessary, only if you want it for the pictures!) x

We did two weeks ago. I use the fetal medicine centre here in London, just depends if you fancy a trip into town and make a day of it. Got results in 3 days, cost £180 and piece of mind. Our nuchal scan was disappointing too, baby kept hiding x

@Sarah oh wow I wish we’d gone with them! We went with Dulwich women’s health from a friend’s recommendation but it turned out to be under a much bigger clinic and we were quite disappointed with the service - and got to wait 2 weeks for results! Will note this if there is a next time

@Alice I would highly recommend them. Used them for both pregnancies now for nuchal scans, blood tests and anomaly scans. The staff are all ULCH and tommies doctors too, including an onsite cardiologist for heart scans. I’ve never had a bad experience there, very clean, child friendly, professional and it’s well located xx

@Sarah ohh that sounds so much better! Will definitely remember that. Thanks so much again!

Thank you all for your replies 😊

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