
I am so frustrated right now. We bedshare and I had just recently fed our baby when my partner got up for work. I was still awake since I've been having a hard time going back to sleep after the early morning feed. So baby was asleep next to me and I was just laying in bed trying to to back to sleep. Well my partner showered and then came back to the room with the flashlight on his phone on. Which he doesn't usually do. Well this woke our baby. Instead of helping to put him back to sleep since it was only 5:30, he lays back down and says "I have 5 minutes before I need to get up" so now I've been up for the last hour trying to get our baby back to sleep with absolutely no luck. And all my partner could say was "sorry. I'll see you later" Our baby does not get up for the day until 9-10 so this is very early for him. I'm so frustrated and do not want to deal with today at all! Wish me luck as baby has already been really fussy the last few days and now I'm in a bad mood to start the day.
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I totally understand this frustration and I hope the day gets better for you! My partner is VERY inconsiderate when it comes to our baby’s sleep, so I get it. Remember, today is just today and tomorrow will be better! Also, you’re allowed to be upset and your feelings are valid

@Brooke thank you. My baby just fell back asleep. I'm gonna just let him sleep as long as we wants and try to get some sleep myself. I'm trying to remember to take deep breaths and to take each moment at a time. It is hard sometimes when I have to be home all day with a fussy baby by myself. But thank you for your reminder. I really needed that right now.

I totally understand your vent. And this is not ideal because I hate it personally for us... but it takes away the accidental waking of baby..... but is hubs not sleeping in the same room for awhile an option? We also currently cosleep with the baby... and we never had to with my first so it's new territory for us.. and I honestly want my bed back with my husband ... but he wakes up for work at a similar time yours does and is on call every 2 weeks ... so when that happens especially... he sleeps in another part of the house incase he gets a late night call. I swear if I breath too loud it wakes the baby so I don't need a phone call going off st 2 am. Lol.

It’s not easy at all being with a baby all day everyday, especially when their fussy and you’re not in the best mood. Let him sleep and you take time to yourself to regroup. You’re doing a good job, all us moms can do is try 🩷

@Alisha the only other room he could sleep in would be the livingroom. Which he did on and off for 2 months until we got a big enough bed for us all to sleep in safely. And our couches in the livingroom are not comfortable for sleeping on long term. A nap here and there is fine. And the job he does he needs to be well rested. This doesn't happen often. I think it just that he was getting up at just the right time when almost anything would have woken up our baby. But we both got some more sleep and I feel better now. Still a bit frustrated with not getting help. But at least better since I was able to go back to sleep.

My husband is the same. He doesn't know how to feed him or put him to sleep. He is very much inconsiderate when the baby is sleeping. The baby is fussy all the time. On top of that , moving to a different country so have to do all the packing by myself. My husband is into IT , he says he doesn't have time for anything like this but he does have time to watch tv throughout the evening. I so feel like moving out of the relationship but something pulls me back when I think of the baby's future.

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