Orgasm - High Risk

Hi! Sorry for the TMI but I have just had intercourse and climaxed twice. I all of a sudden started having a lot of pressure and pain in my pelvic area and around my labia. I am pregnant with twins so am at risk for pre-term labour. I am really worried and wondering if anyone else has had this. It almost feels as thought I have a UTI but it’s just come on all of a sudden and quite extreme. There is a feeling for the constant need to use the loo and I’m getting quite worried. Any help would be great, thanks.
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I think best to call your midwife as they will be best placed to advise you x

I’m sure I read somewhere that orgasms and sneezing excessively can cause braxton hicks contractions. I might be wrong but I had weird tummy pains after I sneezed about four or five times so I googled it and that’s what it told me 🤷🏼‍♀️

If you're worried call triage. Orgasms contract the abdomen and uterus so they can cause Braxton Hicks and some uncomfortable feelings afterwards!

Thanks guys, i did call triage. They told me that all the blood that has rushed to the area is making it u comfortable and swell. also have been tested for a uti earlier at my midwife appointment before this had happened so might be that. I was told that i should go there is the pain gets any worse. i wasn’t getting any contractions just a lot of pressure and pain in my labia as if it’s swollen.

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