Daycare Drop off Help

My son has been going to daycare for almost a year and we’re still having meltdowns when I drop him off. There’s a lot of tears - it only lasts a few minutes after I leave, but as i am leaving it’s heartbreaking. Does anyone have any tips or ideas to make drop off easier for both he and I? TIA
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Wish I did 🫂

Do you tell him you will see him again and he will see you again in x hours?

Its hard but as long as its just few min after you leave its okay mama. My so. Does the same most of the time.. But sometimes making him talk about the daycare during the drive, mentioning his friend’s names and walking to the daycare vs carrying him helped for me. Drop offs - he hates the day care Pick up - he don’t wanna come home. He wants to stay at daycare! I always hide myself until he stops crying before I leave and he always stopped crying within a min or so.. its definitely hard but I think this means they love being with us so much.. you are doing all right mama! Dont be so hard on yourself❤️❤️

@Polina I do. I don’t think it sinks in though lol

My daughter does it too sometime. But she is happy as soon as I am out of sight. What helps us is giving her something to show her friends and teachers. Then she can't wait to go in and show everyone what she has. (stickers, sticks, flower, different shoe, anything )

Maybe give something that they know that every time he sees he reminds of you and that you will see him very soon …a special bracelet for boy the he likes (plastic one that boys likes to wear) I could say a stuffy but depends on daycare …

My son has similar struggles and I always find it worse later in the week. So when we get there I ask him to show me his favourite toy at daycare, he goes and gets it, he plays with it and then is distracted which makes it easier. Might be worth a try. Other option we do is a snack.

How old is your son ? What worked with my 14 month baby boy was me exciting him for daycare like Oh lets say hiiiii to miss scory !! Oh look babiesss and I got to the know the names of 2 other boys and I’d be like we are going to see Charlie and then I say hi to the other kids with excitement .

My mom would just let me cry tbh. I survived. Just try to reassure that you’ll be back at the end of the day and tell him you want him to have lots of fun. Sometimes I’ll try to redirect kids with a question too. Could ask him if he’s able to have fun for you so you can listen to his stories later. Do you have something you could give him to hold onto to give to you at the end of the day? Sometimes an object can help remind them that you’ll be coming back later

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