My son, Luke!

My Luke arrived on Sunday, 7/21/24 weighing 9 lbs 3 oz, and 22.25 inches long (41 weeks pregnant). After 24+ hours of labor, he debuted via Caesarean. This baby was never planning to come out vaginally- I had a strong feeling but followed my dr’s orders. I went in for an induction at 2 cm dilated. His head was still really far back. They attempted and succeeded in inserting the Foley Balloon with Miso pills, and got me to 4 cm. The epidural insertion was probably the most painful thing in the entire experience. Wow. Pitocin helped me get to 5 cm. After 24 hours, I was still at 5 cm. After turning the pitocin up to 8 ml, my baby’s heart rate dropped and nurses/drs rushed into my room. I knew it wasn’t good… then miraculously his heart rate went back up. I knew I wasn’t going to continue this route and immediately asked for a c-section. Baby Luke was born an hour later. I shook freezing my ass off on the surgery table while my husband watched next to me. Luke screamed as soon as he came out, he was perfect.!! So so grateful! 🥲 I’m so glad I went c-section route. I wish the dr’s had given me the choice sooner to go that route.
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Congrats! You're not kidding about the epidural pain! And my first only worked on my left and I decided to try again so I basically had 2! All of it was so worth it though! Best wishes!

i love the matching pjs 😩😍 congratulations mama 🩵

Congratulations momma

Love matching pjs hella cute

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