Mt. Sinai West Delivery

Hi! Has anyone delivered at Mt. Sinai west recently? I was curious if there are shared rooms after giving birth or if everyone gets a private room.
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I had my own room the entire time

I gave birth in February and had a private room. I think it might depend on how busy they are bc I thought you had to pay extra for that!

I had my own room

I delivered my second born and third born there. Awesome service, I had my own room

I had my own room.

I didn’t have my own room, and a friend who gave birth recently had a shared room for 1/2 of her stay.

I gave birth there last summer and had my own room, but it’s subject to availability from what they told me. The room next to mine was shared

I gave birth there 3 weeks ago and had my own room. Was told the same - that it’s subject to availability. Overall great experience!

@Tasha damn how was it sharing a room with someone? I’m concerned about having 2 babies in the same room

@Mary how was the sleeping situation for your partner? Comfy enough?

I had my own room for L&D but shared for pp…do not recommend. Maybe we were supposed to be explicit about a private pp room?Doesn’t hurt to ask when you’re there, but the other family was nice. Our babies were born the same day and we meet up for walks now!!

@Edelweiss The first night I was alone. Then, I had two different roommates, not great. At the time it didn’t really affect me though, because it’s really such a blur.

I had a private room for both my first (march 2023) and second babies (june 2024). But also, they have a NEWLY renovated wing and an old wing. We were in the old wing both times. But we didn’t know there was a new wing til we were already settled in. We asked about the new wing, the nurse said it’s randomized.

@Tasha how was having 2 babies in the same room?

@Diana did you have to ask for a private room?

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@Alexis that’s great you ended up friends. I just worry about having 2 newborns in the same room

@Edelweiss it was fine, tbh my baby was the fussy one. The first roommate their baby was in the nicu, the second one was fine.

@Edelweiss yea it was not relaxing. Two newborns aside- we had the side of the room with no window and my husband had to move his recliner every time someone came in to check my and the other mother’s vitals . Not to mention everyone that came to see the other family had to walk through us and we all shared a bathroom 😭 Needless to say we left after the 24 hour observation period.

@Alexis @Edelweiss I did have the window side of the room, I think I just blocked all of this out of my memory, but thinking back, it was a bit chaotic.

@Alexis that sounds like a nightmare

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