Weird Cramps

So every time I turn in a certain way, I get really severe cramping. It doesnt feel like a period cramp, it’s more like I’ve pulled or twisted something and then after about 30-60 seconds it settles down. It’s only on my right side and closer to my hip than anything else. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?
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Round ligament pain, just your uterus stretching. Happens to me as well especially when I sneeze or cough. Kind of feels like a sharp stitch

@Louise I just googled it - yes that’s exactly what it is! Thank you so much x

Perfectly normal. Hope your well xx

@Deb thank you for the reassurance, feel much better now I know what it is xx

Could be a cyst, so worth getting it checked out 🥰 I had a large ovarian cyst found at 5 weeks during my last pregnancy x

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