Too much sleep?

My LO is 7 weeks almost 8 and he sleeps alot. Never misses a feed but I do have to wake him up often to eat and sometimes he will go right back to sleep. We’ve gotten into a routine with doing things during his wake windows after eating & then he will naturally go down for a nap which usually is 45min to an hour but this past week he is sleeping so much an hour or more during naps. Should I be concerned? I’m not complaining at all lol just wondering if this is normal bcuz usually only see posts about difficulty sleeping or overtired babies
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babies typically go through growth spurt around eight weeks old, i wouldnt wake him up, follow his cues! my son is 8 going on 9 weeks and i can finally sleep 8-9 hours at night! first stretch is 9pm-2am then 2:30/3:00-6-7

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