Never ending screams

My little one is 4 months old and over the last 2 weeks or so he’s been just nonstop crying and screaming. Like I mean it when I say he screams all the time unless he’s sleeping, nursing, or occasionally in his dad’s arms. This has made nursing and bedtime/naps especially hard because of how bad his screaming gets. We change him, do our best to feed him, bounce him, rock him, white noise, try play with him and no matter what nothing works. At some point he calms down enough to nurse but if he loses the boob or doesn’t get a paci soon enough it starts all over again. As a new mom it breaks my heart because I want to do everything I can to calm and comfort him but he doesn’t want me, he pushes me away and screams louder and I don’t understand why. Please any advice is appreciated. I want him to sleep through the night again and I want him to be back to his happy smiling self. I should mention he started solids yesterday, we were given the okay by his pediatrician. Nothing crazy just pea purée. Thank you in advance 🖤
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Sounds like something is wrong, I know people say “colic” but I do believe if baby is crying something is wrong. Have you tried telling the doctor, is he pooping normally? Maybe gas or something in your diet that is upsetting his tummy?

Maybe gas pain? Try laying him on this tummy and see if he will fart for you. At 4 months we were doing mylicon drops after every feeding because little one had bad gas pains.

@Denise @Anna we’ve given him the gas drops and it seems to help sometimes. He is always pretty gassy and when he farts it helps temporarily and then he will start back up again. His pediatrician said this could be normal for him because of gas, he’s currently teething, yes he has had normal poops, normal wet diapers and nothing else has changed in my diet, nothing has changed in his day to day routine. I’m very worried something is wrong but it feels like when I bring it up I’m kinda blown off.

Have you tried gripe water I find that helps my little one for toilet when he seems pained and is crying a lot, I just dip his dummy in a few times xx

That's rough, I'm sure you are correct in that something is hurting him. Unfortunately, mom is often the only one willing and able to sleuth out the why.

@Crystal we use to use it for him, his pediatrician said not to rely on it so we haven’t gotten anymore but im willing to try anything to help him

Ugh yes I feel doctors just say oh it’s colic or oh it’s normal and I feel it’s not they are telling us they are in pain, my daughter was super fussy when we brought her home (she spent 6 weeks in the NiCU fighting for her life) so it’s been trial and error since we’ve been home with my diet. I cut out dairy and reduced caffeine because it seemed to affect her, also this week I ate Brussel sprouts and omg she was soooo gassy so I took them out of my diet and she’s better. Sometimes it’s something we eating that affects them

My daughter was arching her back and wasn’t eating comfortably those days I was having brussel sprouts I didn’t want to believe there was a link but I stopped eating them and it stopped so I think it affected her 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Denise he was the exact same way when we brought him home, I had to cut out dairy. Caffine I don’t have as much anymore because he was very fussy when I drank it regularly. Since then my diet hasn’t changed really, occasionally I’ll have like Ice cream or something that I normally wouldn’t but not daily.

Not trying to sound dismissive (and you should definitely follow up with your doctor if you feel the need), but the 4 month regression doesn’t just affect sleep. Mood can also be impacted. My previous Velcro baby who needed to be fully rocked to sleep started this 3 nights ago (screaming at the breast and pushing against me when I rocked her). I started to get overstimulated so I put her down in her crib and walked away and she cried for 10 minutes, put her thumb in her mouth, and fell asleep. The next night, same thing. And last night again. We’ve been joking that she decided to sleep train herself (something we weren’t gonna start until 5 months).

Check his teeth? My son is 18 weeks old and about 2 weeks ago his gums started emerging and his gums are swollen red and he’s crying all day unless I literally hold the cold teether in his mouth it’s rough 😫😫

I know formula is a personal choice but have you considered introducing some or pumping into a bottle. This would apply if your baby is lower on the weight scale or fusses on the boob. Mine did. My flow was too slow for him. The bottle helped a lot and then his daily discomfort stopped

@Cait his gums look normal but he’s been showing signs of teething, unfortunately he hates teething rings and stuff so it’s been difficult

@Britt we just stopped combo feeding with the formula and every once in a while he’ll get boobie juice in a bottle but he’s 14lbs and some change. The bottles aren’t his favorite since he prefers to feed off of me.

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