Toilet seat ladder thing

Are these a good idea? We are on day 4 of potty training and it's going well so far. Little man is using the potty when prompted and on his own. I've already purchased a portable potty and we also have the ladder thing. I'm not sure it's a good idea... I was thinking he might get so used to it he won't want to use the potty if we aren't home. Any experiences of using the ladder seat thing and the potty?
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Following this post as I'd like to know too, we've just bought one to start training 🙊!

I am thinking of getting one of these for my son we start potty training

Mine uses the toilet at home and the potty once out. I encouraged this as I did not want ther only get used to potty and then having to teach the new skill of using the toilet. Also, I don't have to clean it at home.

Yea we have one for my 4 year old and I've found it really handy as they don't need you to lift them on and off, so I'd always recommend them 🥰

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