What have our babies been eating?

Just for fun. What have our babies been eating today. Today my baby refused his food for his morning feed. But he maybe made up for it at his afternoon feed 😂😮 (see 1st comment for the aftermath) On the menu we had tomato pasta, apples, Greek yogurt, biscotti biscuit and cucumber sticks.
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@Karen aww 🥰

My LO won't pick food up but will eat it when I feed her it. She had half a weetabix with mixed seeds and banana for breakfast, salmon and veggies for lunch and chicken casserole for dinner with Strawberry yoghurt for pudding.

Breakfast- crumpet with peanut butter, oatly yoghurt with raspberries. Lunch- tomato pasta pouch, and some lentil Dahl pouch. Dinner- lentil Dahl pouch, pitta bread and cucumber sticks !

@Emily aww gorgeous. Looks like he’s staring into my soul 🥰

@Emma wow. That’s decent meals. My boy didn’t like fish. Did you have to keep trying her on the salmon or did she like it on day 1.

@Katherine beautiful 🤩 my boy loves the Ella’s kitchen lentil Dahl. It never fails to surprise me for some reason.

@Alana Lily also likes salmon- I did her salmon and broccoli puree and she loved it

@Alana yes she loves it and also the Sainsbury’s one- chickpea and lentil Dahl

Weetabix and blueberry muffin with Greek yogurt Baked bean pancakes with banana Cottage pie with fruit smoothie

@Rebecca sounds good 😌

What is that pasta @Alana? Is it little bits?

I think I really need to start branching out and upping my boys textures. I want to reintroduce different fish/ meats in the next few days. He doesn’t like salmon, and he would eat it but he wasn’t great on beef/chicken. I’ll need to keep trying. But after that I think I’ll try out wheatabix and pancakes. Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

@Christina it’s Heinz baby pasta 😊


My girl is in love with food ! She scoffs it all 😂 but hates bananas 😂 At the moment she loves mini pancakes dipped in yogurt or rice cakes ! She adores carrots, if it’s at all sweet, she’ll eat every drop ahahaha. I’m so in love with watching her try new things xx

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@Alana she just liked it from the start. She also loves things like fish pie. To be honest she eats all our meals. She ate a Prawn Korma (homemade) the other day!!! Everything I make I let her try. As long as it is low salt. Xx

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