Clapping / waving

My son will be 11 months on the 8th. He still isn’t clapping or really waving. He also has said dada 2 months ago but now does it rarely - he babbles other things but not closer to some of the basic words. He is crawling (fast), pulling himself up to stand, screaming, responding to his name, and showing personality. Idk if I should be worried about the waving / clapping and not as many words as some other babies we know at this age. Usually I am one bit to but the closer we get to 1 the more worried I get.
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My son is 11 months on the second and we’re pretty much on the same page as you are. Doesn’t wave or clap but everything else seems perfect normal or even better. No advice or anything but wanted to let you know you aren’t alone

I totally get you. Mine is 10 months and I see all these babies walking and clapping and It makes me feel like he’s behind but I have learned to understand that all babies are different and they will do what they need to do when they are ready and at their own time 💜

My daughter just figured out crawling two weeks ago. She been clapping for several months but doesn’t wave and only says mama sometimes. I think they all just develop so differently and at their own pace

My 10 month old is clapping and waving. She just got high five down too. I really think her tv time has taught her a lot. She likes mrs. Rachel and super simple songs. I also clap for her whenever she basically does anything. Or when we finish something. Like bath time, getting dressed, pulling to stand etc. she also grabs into my hands and I clap them. Eventually that progressed to her pushing my hands together and then her clapping. She only says dada and has said mama but only when she’s upset. Some babies learn these things quick and some take a little longer! Just keep practicing. Bring it up to your pediatrician to see if they’re concerned

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