Talking milestone

I know that every baby is different but my 15 month old doctor told me that she’s delayed on speech. My oldest didn’t really start talking until she was almost 2 and same with my 2nd born. She only says about 5 words and the doctor said that she should be at 15 words by now. Should I be worried or no.
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My daughter has about 15 consistent words—but our doctor said that at this age it should be about 1-3 more words than just “mama” and “dada”. So not sure why yours is saying differently!

My twin boys are in the same boat. How is she doing with all her other milestones? My understanding is that as long as other milestones are being met, speech doesn’t quite need intervention yet at 15 months. I wouldn’t worry too much. See how she is doing by 18 months (that’s when EI is recommended if still delayed). Also, if your other kids took a bit to talk, she might just be following suite!

@Katie that’s what I’m saying idk why he would tell me that she’s delayed. She says mama, dada, no, yes, share, and her sissy’s name. He told me that he’ll send someone to our house for her speech but idk I feel like that’s a little odd to me and idk why it could have also been because of the way he came off when he said it.

Our pediatrician also said about 3 words is average beyond mama and dada! I wouldn't worry too much, especially if he's babbling a lot.

@Dana she does fine with all of the other milestones. She’s walking, pointing, grabbing the whole 9 yards. I think that she’s just follows her older siblings. They’re 3 and 5. My 5 yo is just now talking up a storm and coming out of her shell. My 3 yo doesn’t talk much and is on the shyer side.

Sounds like she’s on target then! Nothing to worry about momma. I feel like 15 months is a bit early for EI though. Odd that he’s pushing it! Never hurts to see what a speech pathologist says. Doesn’t sound like a developmental issue!

She sounds completely normal to me! My pediatrician also said a few words at this stage is fine!

My boy is 15 months and doesn’t say anything. In fact, he is a very quiet, sweet and happy baby. He makes noises, like grunting and humming but doesn’t go “Ba ba ba” or “ma ma ma”. I am a bit concerned but then again I was a very quiet and well behaved baby also. My boy surpassed the 100 percentile for his height and weight and is the size of a 2, maybe even a small 3 year old. He’s walking, plays independently, knows some words that I say such as “no” and is doing everything else just fine. He’s hitting all his milestones and beyond except for talking. I’m a first time mama and just don’t know what or if I should do anything regarding this.

I don't think it would hurt to take the help all the same, kids develop so differently sometimes. So comparing isn't everything but the benchmarks are usually low and fair. My pediatrician said 4 - 8 words and I think that's a fair range. But I think getting the help can only benefit your child as it won't hurt but strengthen their development. My child benefits from us narrating and naming everything and I'm very intentional about breaking down pronunciation with him. Also, I sought help through videos on how to effectively read to them bc I was insecure about it and didn't think i needed to so young but i learned quicklyi was wrong and he loved books ever since. It helped a lot. I ended up making a log of his words when he turned one to make sure I wasn't falling behind. And thank God he's very ahead of the curve. But I only say it to say getting help or doing your research is only a plus even if it's a challenge

my girl says 16 words, but just had our 15 month appt and her pediatrician said they’re only looking for about 3 words at this age? not sure why it varies so much from doc to doc- but could be some doctors are looking at averages and others at minimums?

This is odd. Your baby is on track! 👶 🗣

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