Family don’t care

How would you deal with family who show little interest in your little one? Basically all of my in laws show little interest in my daughter to the point where they arrange family days with their kids out and exclude us and my husband (their son/brother) then post about how nice it is to have everyone together 🙄 it hurts me that they’re excluding my daughter, I don’t care about myself just her. They arrange things on dates that we have said we’re not available and then complain that we aren’t there and my sister in law will travel an hour to see her other nieces and nephews (who live less than 5 minutes from us) but won’t come to see my daughter. I’m at the point I want to call them out on it but don’t know if it’s worth it 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Have you spoken to your partner/ husband about this? What does he say?

@Diana he’s fed up with it but also won’t call them out on it 🤦🏻‍♀️

It kinda seems like they’re going out of their way to do this. I’m only stating what I’d do.. I genuinely would just leave them to it. Your daughter will only care about those who show up and love her. She seems like she’s not short that! If they don’t care, then I wouldn’t want them in my little boys life if it was me. I know it’s a rubbish situation and it is absolutely horrible that they have driven you to feel low about it. Fuck em! Xx

My little one has only seen her dads side of the family a few times. It initially bothered me however, I see the bond she has with my family and I just think it’s their loss. When she does see them from time to time she has no idea who they are and takes a while to warm to people so it’s seems pointless. Calling them out on it in my opinion is a waste of time. I’m not one for confrontation and I just feel like… if they wanted too, they would. The actions should tell you everything you need to know. Xx

My brother and sister are both quite busy with 3 kids each and work but my sister still finds the time to come and see us when she can and my brother (who lives a bit further away) video calls often. My mother who lives in the same town as us doesn't. She makes little effort to see us and when my daughter was a baby she held her 3 times and I had to ask her to hold her every time. She was completely different with my brother and sisters kids and made the effort to travel to see them and they are both upset by how little effort she puts in with my DD. I just leave her to it. She's the one missing out on my amazing little monster. If she can't take the time that's her loss but she'll be a stranger.

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