‘Chilled babies’

Hey my little one is nearly 6 months but she’s just not very chilled, she’s generally good at night but in the day the naps are often non existent and there tends to still be a lot of crying or shouting. The reason I’ve put ‘chilled babies’ is because everyone I’ve spoken to or seen seems to have a chilled baby and they often say this too.. and I find it really hard cos I’ve not met anyone who has a baby that may be more similar to mine.. so am asking for a friend, can anyone relate to not having a chill baby?!
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Ohhh 1000% over here 😅 my LB is far from chill! Needs constant attention and entertainment, loves to roll round My arms when trying to get him to nap, constantly fidgeting in his sleep even when co sleeping haha wants to be on the move and loves a good moan or cry when not getting exactly what he wants xxx

I’ll admit my boy has always been a chill baby from the day he was born and he’s 6 months next week. Cries or screams when he’s really wanting something and all the usual regressions so we do have our very unsettled times but other than that he’s chilled but I know it’s just pure luck and probably won’t last as he gets older x

🤚 me!! She is nearly 6 months and screams and cry’s most of the day. Probably get a nice half hour in the morning but that’s it really. Screams in the car, screams in the pushchair, cry’s because she’s hungry but cries when I feed her, screams because she’s tiered, cries when I put her down, often cries when I pick her up, when I sit down….you get the picture. I DO NOT have a chill baby!!

Hahaa, I’m so glad we can relate!

I really needed to hear this, I honestly have been feeling like the only one with a not so chilled baby, especially not having seen any posts relating to this on here so haven’t wanted to post anything myself as I felt I was the only one going through this. All my friends and families babies are chill yet my baby seems to be never happy, always crying, gets very irritable very quickly, gets bored of toys very easily and is only happy for about half an hour in the morning, the rest of the day I seem to be battling to keep her happy and entertained going from one toy to another, one position/location to another and not having a single minute to myself. Anyone know if this is just a phase? She’s always seemed to be this way so not sure if the regression or leaps are really to blame tbh

Ah I feel you! 🙏 I think it’s cos they just need a lot of stimulation so perhaps they are very clever 😂

My little boy is far from chilled. Screams a lot! We went through a stage of not wanting to go anywhere due to him being so unsettled. Couldn't walk to school in the pram as he screamed all the way there and back. He now screams when we try to put him to sleep.

I 1000% don't have a chilled baby, he likes to be up all the time, you can't sit down doesn't like to be put down, and is temperamental with what he likes. I have friends too who have really good babies that like you said are chilled. It used to really annoy me, but I just think now at least my LB has character and I would much rather that. Xx

My girl is not chilled !!!! She’s happy for a little while in the morning and then is crying or screaming most of the day unless asleep or being held while I’m standing up sitting down is not an option 😅

Me too!

Me too 🙋🏻‍♀️ can’t sit down, very temperamental and has now decided to instead of cry - shout and what I can only describe as a loud high pitched dinosaur scream when he feels any emotion - happy, sad, frustrated - you name it, he has a dinosaur scream for it. I used to hate going to classes as every baby around was just chill and then there’s me having to soothe him, stand him up, stand up myself, walk around etc etc as he would just not sit still whilst everyone around us is sat relaxing and signing 😂 I’ve come to terms with it now and jsut accept that it’s just how he is and part of his character. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the dinosaur screams, but they don’t make me jump anymore at least 😂 my MIL said my partner was the same and then as soon as he started crawling and moving, it just eased up so was most likely frustration with him wanting to move etc. I’m hoping for this haha 🤞🏻

@Megan my MIL says the same, that my partner was the same as a baby so hopefully my LG gets better when she starts to crawl, one can hope! Fingers crossed for us x

@Amy 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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