
How many bottles is your nearly 1 year old having? Baby boy 1 on Saturday and still having 5 5 oz bottles. Some formula and some whole milk as Weaning off formula.
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2 bottles, 1 first thing in the morning and 1 before bed both 8oz. 3 meals a day

Two bottles, 6oz before bed and 4oz in the middle of the night - working on reducing this one down as think it is habit as opposed to hunger. At nursery they give him 6oz in the afternoon as well but we do snacks instead when at home.

2 bottles a day

Mines greedy then. He's also on 3 meals a day! Do you all still give out of a bottle? My first had stopped bottles not long after her 1st birthday so I'm not sure on if he should still be given it out of his bottle. X

Yes still give out of bottle he refuses to hold it himself!

Until last week my boy was on 5-6 7oz bottles a day, then randomly he started refusing some of them! He’s now on 4 6oz bottles most days, some days it’s just 3. We still give from his bottles and will try in a cup once he’s fully on cows milk

@Jordan ahh maybe he will just stop himself then. He's in a really good set routine so I tried taking away a bottle and he screamed right on time he should have had it. I guess milks good for them so at least they are getting full up. 😁

2, breakfast and bedtime. He sometimes gets one at nursery when he won't eat a meal with them but ita not a consistent thing. His quantity varies but usually has up to 60ml per day.

3 on normal days. But there’s some days he will not eat his breakfast or lunch. Those days I give him a bottle cause I need him to have something. Idk what causes him not to want to eat. He just won’t but will take a bottle no problem

2-3 7oz bottles. 3 meals + snacks. We’re doing 2oz formula and 5oz cows milk as mixed bottles. He’ll have 1 after breakfast before his nap, one at bedtime and one if he wakes up in the night. Have you tried dropping bottles at all? My little one would have another in the afternoon but I’ve swapped it for snacks now.

2 9oz bottles

@Lizzie yeah I tried taking one away just before his dinner and he screamed until he was given his bottle and didn't want his food either. Tried to take away a different bottle in the day and he just couldn't make it to tea time.

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