Baby won’t be put down for a nap

My little one, 6 months, wakes up every time I try to put her down for a nap. She is absolutly fine being put down for bed and through the night, she’ll nap in her pram but when I try to put her down in the day she wakes up and stays awake. I do exactly the same thing as what we do at bed time, white noise, sleep sack, the room is as dark as I can get it during the day but she will not sleep unless I’m holding her. I wait until she’s tired and I know she wants a nap. I end up losing the entire day to this. She’s just started on purées and she’s breast fed so maybe there’s a good order to do things that I don’t know about. Putting her down drowsy but awake has never worked for us but maybe there’s a way to get it to work? Any advise would be greatly appreciated
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My boy never really napped in his cot. We usually do a buggy nap. Goes to bed fine at night.

I’ve never been able to put my daughter to bed like I do at bedtime. I think the issue is FOMO. She’ll only nap if I let her nap in the living room on the sofa. So, the only suggestion I have is don’t make it seem like it bedtime.

My little one is 7 months and he’s always the same. Sometimes I can get him down for a nap but longest he’ll go is 30 mins. But can be up to 2 hours if a contact nap.

Drowsy but awake isn’t a thing really it’s used as a buzz phrase by sleep consultants and unless your baby is that way inclined naturally it’s very unlikely to be successful. I’ve always rocked my baby to sleep let him fall into a deep sleep laying with me (I usually latch him once he’s asleep as he feeds better sleepy than awake). Once he’s finished/ nice and asleep I transfer to the cot feet bum then head and he stays there then until he wakes 90% of the time. Occasionally he’ll only contact nap and I secretly love those now he’s older and doesn’t do it so much anymore! Xx

I’d advise blacking out the windows in their room completely there are loads of temporary window black out options online that are reasonably priced My daughter only contact napped during the day until she was 8months, It will get easier, just create a bedtime routine and use it any time you’re putting them to sleep and stick to it even if it doesn’t seem to work at first, try to persevere with it, I hope things get easier soon xx

My little one is nearly 4 months, and mainly contact naps unless in the car or pram. Goes grown fine at bedtime but struggled with naps! She’d wake up the second she touched the cot or moses basket 😭 I saw a girl on TikTok say to try and put them down feet first (so touch their feet down first, then bum then head) as it can reduce their startle reflex and it’s helped massively! She can now sleep now up to 2 hrs not on me! 🤣 xx

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