Excessive salvia HELP

I’m nearly 15 weeks and can’t for the life of me stop spitting out saliva. I feel disgusting but it’s making me feel so sick and nauseous if I don’t. Is anyone else experiencing this? It’s like every 3 seconds my mouth totally fill up. It’s horrible and I don’t know how to stop it 😩 I’ve tried constantly chewing chewing gum but I think that makes it worse? Idk 😬
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My love, I’m so sorry but I’ve had this last pregnancy and this pregnancy and I still haven’t found anything that helps😭 I just try and drink water but might be slightly over hydrated as boiled sweets and gum would be a temp fix and only seem to make things worse. My last pregnancy I called the doctor in tears and the best they could do was offer tablets that they give to patients who are terminally ill and near the end of life because apparently it slows saliva production but did absolutely nothing for me. Pls if you find something help me out🤣😭

Try eating ice.

I read that this was a common thing but not had.it myself! Hope you find something to help ❤️

Yes chewing gum makes it worse. Try a pinch of salt on your tongue, that helped me . Also green apple cam help according to my grandma, I was too nauseous to try

Yep, suffering with this @ the moment and it is driving me mad 🥴. Not going anything that could help alleviate it though.

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