Please can you drop your food schedules

For example: 6am - Bottle 7am - Breakfast 10am - Bottle Etc? My son wakes at 6am and falls asleep around 6pm. He will not stay up later… It’s such a struggle to fit in 3 meals and 3 bottles…
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Wakes up 9am, 9:30 am breakfast(solids) 11 am bottle+breastfeeding 1pm lunch(solids) 2:30pm snacks 4pm breastfeeding 5 pm dinner solids 8pm bedtime porridge 9pm bottle + breastfeeding

6am and 6pm here too. 6am up Water 7.45 breakfast 9am Nap 11am bottle 200ml Water Between 12 and 1 lunch 2ish nap Water 4.30-5ish Dinner 5.30 Bottle 6pm Bed. 11pm bottle and nappy change as we go to bed. He has a night time wake around 3/4am and has a bottle then.

Wakes up 6am - bottle (Sometimes goes back to sleep till about 7.15am, but sometimes will not) 8.30am - breakfast 10.45am - bottle 11am - nap Between 12 and 12.30pm - lunch 3pm - bottle, then down for a nap Between 4 and 5pm - dinner 7.30pm - bedtime bottle I like to know how people incorporate their naps into it too, so including mine incase you were curious

@Rebecca I used to get that morning nap too, I miss that extra bit of sleep 😅😭

Wakes up 6:30-7am (bottle 7oz follow on) 9-9:30 am breakfast 11 am 5oz milk for her nap 1:30-2pm lunch (chunkier solids) 3:30pm snacks 5:30pm solid supper 6:45-7pm 6oz of milk for bed

I don't know what I'd do without Ellie's morning nap and if I'm lucky she might have a 20min snooze a little later if we're out and about but if we're home no chance 🤣

Wake 6ish Milk 6ish Breakfast 7ish Bottle 10ish Lunch 12ish Milk 2ish Dinner 5ish Milk 7ish Bed 7pm

7am - Wake up 7:45/8am - Breakfast 9:15/9:30 - 10am - Nap #1 10:30am - Bottle 12ish - Lunch 12:30/1 - 2:30/3pm - Nap #2 3:30pm - Bottle 5:30/6pm - Dinner 6:30/7pm - Bath 7:30pm - Bottle&Bed

Wakes up around 5ish 6:00am - Bottle 1 10am - Breakfast & a smaller bottle 12/1pm - Luch & a smaller bottle 3pm - tea with a smaller bottle 6pm - Bottle 5 & then bed

6-6:30am wake up 7:30am breakfast 9:30am bottle -nap 12-12:30pm lunch Sometimes 2:30 bottles-nap 5pm dinner 6:30-7pm bottle - bed 10-11ish first bottle of the night Sometimes 2-3am bottle Repeat Snacks and water offers in between when needed

7:30/8 - Wake up 7:45/8:15 Breastfeed 9:30 - Breakfast 11 - Nap 12:30 - snack 1 - breastfeed 2:30 - lunch 3:30 - nap 4:00 snack or a little more breastmilk 6:00- Dinner 7:30 -breastmilk 8- Asleep Before I go to sleep 11:30/12 dreamfeed for 3 mins each side (this stops the need for feed throughout the night)

@Tasha honestly it's very rare he goes back to sleep after his 6am bottle now, feels like a luxury if he does haha. So it's usually around 10am he starts to flag so as soon as I see the eye rub, I make a bottle straight away and I make nap time happen ASAP hahah

7:15 wake up 7:45 breakfast 9:30 nap 10:30/11 snack and 4oz milk in straw cup 12:30 lunch 2 nap 3:30/4 snack and 4oz milk in straw cup 4:45 tea 6:30 10oz milk

Wakes between 6.30/7.30am 8am 7oz milk 9.30am breakfast 12pm lunch 5pm 7oz milk 10pm 7oz milk then bed, sleeps straight through until morning. Snacks & water in between

@Rebecca I am exactly the same, my daughter used to get up at 5:30/6am have a bottle and then go back to sleep until 8ish 😂😭 but since that's stopped she starts to lag around 10ish and as soon as I see that first eye rub, I'm right on to getting everything set up. Miss Rachel gets turned off, Hey Bear wind down sensory moon and stars goes on and that bottle is getting shaken faster than 007 🤣🤣

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Wake 6am Bottle 6:30am Nap 8:30am Bottle 10:am Nap 1pm Bottle 2pm Bed6:30pm All approx within half hour each other probably. Will nap three times some times spending how long the naps have been. Breakfast is after first nap, shortly after Dinner 4:30-5pm

Varies really. Wakes between 6 and 7am Bottle either when she wakes or around 9/10am Breakfast around 7.30/8am Lunch around 12ish Bottle anytime in the afternoon. Sometimes to fall asleep on sometimes after nap Tea around 5pm Bedtime Bottle around 7pm I'm not strict on it all as I don't want the fuss if we were to go out of routine because we were out etc. She's sleeps from 7pm ish right through the night so we just go with it during the day and I find it stress free

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