Tasting food

My LO is 6 weeks, I know we are a long way off them trying foods but is anyone else ever tempted to rub foods on their lips just for a bit of taste variety? 😂 Realistically, would it be OK to do so? Ie rubbing an apple on their lips for him to lick the flavour 😊
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Their digestive system isn't developed yet so personally I wouldn't do it yet, I think some people start introducing stuff from 4 months. But I'm a FTM and it's not something I've read up on, so I might be totally wrong

I would say it probably wouldn't be ok to do that, way too early, they don't know about other tastes so definitely don't need a variety, they could also be allergic/react to different foods. I don't think there's anything to benefit from doing it

I wouldn’t, as above said their digestive system isn’t ready. I’ve heard of people having to wean early but it’s generally on recommendation by a doctor for other reasons. Milk is all they need at this point

In two weeks’ time, they’d be due their first immunisations which is chased with paracetamol. We got Calpol which is evidently only available strawberry flavoured. So that’s possibly something to look forward to 😂

I think that all the time! I'd never try feed him now of course but I often think I wish he could just taste this a little 🤣

Realistically babies are only supposed to eat food once they’re able to support themselves, please do not do random stuff. But your baby you know.. milk is the only source atm. Even water not so much because it will only fill the tummy unless baby is formula fed. Even water should be given from 6 months onwards. If you’re a bfding mum, they’re getting taste from our milk anyway 😌

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