Is it a cold sore?

Over the last day the corner of my mouth has been sore and stings, I have tried to keep it clean and just thought I had hurt it or it was irritated. I have never to my knowledge had a cold sore so not sure if it's this? I know I need to wait and see if it blisters and then I'll know but what do I do if I have never had one before? Do I need to see my doctor? Can it harm baby? I'm 31 weeks. Thank you
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Difficult to say without a picture but I am 34 weeks and have a cold sore for the first time in my life as well!! Spoke to a GP about it and he said it’s normal for things like this to arise during pregnancy as pregnancy is an immunosuppressant. It won’t harm the baby. Doctor can’t help unfortunately. I recommend getting those tea tree acne patches to put on. Dots for Spots on Amazon are good.

I have been plagued with cold sores all my life. Hopefully for you it’s a 1 off! Baby will be absolutely fine 😀 Compeed cold sore patches are brilliant. If you do get cold sores once baby arrives, that’s when you need to be mega careful. The patches are ace as they create a barrier as cold sores can be super dangerous for little ones. When my son was born I had 5 at once and I couldn’t kiss him 😢

I get them but just had Covid and then had a flare up and now a tounge flare up. For your lip Just buy some cold sore cream and apply and it should be fine in a few days x you can check with the pharmacist too if you want it confirmed x

Thank you all for your advice! I don't feel too worried now ☺️

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