10 months old can’t fall asleep for bedtime

My nearly 10 months old had a great sleeping schedule 2 naps a day each 1-1,5hrs first one around 9 30-10am and second nap around 2pm for an hour or hour and half and she was going to bed around 7ish falling asleep without any issues on her own but recently she is struggling to go to sleep for 40mins up to an hour she is just in a cot making noises but not crying ,making is aware she doesn’t want to be in a cot. Does anyone drop their 10 months old nap from 2 to 1 yet?
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Sometimes my nearly 10 month old only has 1 nap- we don’t have any routine- if she acts tired and falls asleep she sleeps- if she doesn’t want to sleep she just doesn’t 😅

It’s pretty early to drop to one nap. Could you not just cap the current two naps so that baby sleeps for 30 mins the first nap then 1.5 the second? You can play with the timings to see what works you may need a longer or shorter second nap to get the desired result. If it’s taking an hour to get to sleep baby isn’t tired at the time they’re going down x

We need a 4.5 hour wake window before bed, so if baby woke up at 3.30 bedtime would be 8pm. But I guess it's trial and error to see what wake window suits your baby! Ours was 4 hours then it went to 4.5!

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