3rd baby announcement

I’ve always told my family I was pregnant when I was around 7/8 weeks. Even with my miscarriages🤣 But …. I’m now 13 weeks with my 3rd and I haven’t told ANY family. Has anyone kept their pregnancy a secret and how did you tell family? I’m not scared of them being mad I know they’ll be happy and super shocked. I just have no idea how to tell them now that I’m this far along and my bump is starting to show 🤣🤣🤣 I think I’m more nervous because our 1st is turning 4, our second is turning 1, and while this baby wasn’t planned but not prevented. We are excited. But send help🤣
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My husband and I have each told one friend (and their spouses) about this pregnancy. I am 15 weeks and it is also my third pregnancy. I just have no desire to tell anyone. I'm sure most of our family will be happy for us, but i feel like they stop treating me like a person when I'm pregnant and I just become an incubator, and honestly I'm just not mentally ready for that. I haven't decided how or when I will share the news.

@Katrina I think I’m more nervous because even before I was pregnant with this baby, a lot of people made comments about not having kids close in age. And my parents have made a comment like that too, but I understand it from their point of view because my sister had two kids really close in age and she treats them completely different. However,I parent my kids totally different and I still baby my four year old 🤣

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