Still won't Poo on toilet/potty

We started potty training at 18 months and he was fine pooing for the first month. Then he stopped and would only do it in his pullups. Due to food intolerance issues he kept getting constipated so I put it down to that so i just let it be. Everyone said he'll do it on the toilet/potty when hes ready. At around 2 years old I asked him why he wudnt and he said cos it hurts. Even when he has normal poos he's reason was still that it hurts. Now he goes and gets them outs himself and puts them on. If we hide them he waits until nap time. As we're now not putting them on at nap time he'll hold it until bed time tho usually he poos first thing in the morning when he wakes up whilst he's still got his pullups on. I'm bit worried about pre school and school. Pre school still take children in pull ups. He wears pants but he asks for pullups when he needs to poo at nursery but I'm wondering how long this will go on for and what about school next year! It doesn't seem to bother him that he's pooed and don't care if he's sitting on it! Not sure what to do. Tried telling him about other children, got him potty books even got him reward stickers.
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We are struggling with the same thing with our twins! They did poo on the potty (didn’t like it but done it) but now they scream and cry and get all anxious..they also wait until naptime or bedtime…when they have a nappy on! I contacted the HV this week to get some advice and support and they said I was doing everything I can do..and just have to support them!! And if it carries on in a couple of months to re contact them! Not very helpful but just want you to know that we are having the same issues and was hoping it would all be done by the time they start pre school in September as well. X

@Lauren thank you. Good to know its not just us. Ive read boys tend to be like this but didn't think it wud go on for this long.

When he make one on a nappy, together from the nappy dump it in the toilet and say bye bye poo. And show him that's where it needs to go. Do it all the time. Don't reprimand or anything, just show him time and time again.

My little boy wouldn’t poo for ages. He was toilet trained at 2 and got it really quick but poo we have only just conquered nearly a year later. He will do it in his own time. Lots of encouragement and stickers etc helped with us. Also I think I held mine back having pull ups as a back up and just took the risk and got rid of them. Only wears it to bed now and take it off as soon as he wakes up. 💕💕

Same with my little boy! He’s been dry for months now but still won’t poo on the toilet/ potty! I’m not sure why, I’m hoping it’ll just come eventually 🥹🥹🥹

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