Reflux and Carobel

Hello all! My daughter was prescribed Carobel about 3.5 weeks ago as has reflux. She is also on omeprozole which she has been on for about 2 months. For the last week to week and a half possibly, she has had diarrhoea multiple times a day averaging 5 times a day and it tends to be after she has had a bottle. She also has CMPA so is on Alfamino SMA and has been on that since 2 weeks old We are currently thinking it’s the Carobel - has anyone experienced anything else similar. Not sure if to try and stop it or not just scared I may pay for it if I do Thanks
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Same thing happened to my little one, dietitian said it’s probably a soya allergy and to discontinue the carobel xx

@Hannah does carobel contain soya?

@Letitia the bean is the same family as soya so yes and no but my dietician avoids it for babies that have soya allergies x

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