Milk supply drop

My baby is 6 weeks and I’ve noticed my milk supply drop. Is this normal? How can I increase it again?
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I have the same issue my baby is 8 weeks old. I think it’s your milk regulating. Try power pumping, lots of oats, and body armor. It has coconut water in it which helps!

How have you notice it drop? Are you pumping? At 6 weeks your milk supply is “established” so basically you have adapted to what baby needs. So your breasts might not feel “full” or engorged anymore but it doesn’t mean there isn’t enough milk for your baby! Always go off weight gain and wet nappies! Soft breasts are not empty breasts! If you want to make more milk though the best way is to remove milk ie pump/ feed. For example when my milk came in I could easily pump out 200mL after feeding a baby but around 6 weeks I would get 70- 100mL if I pumped. Also remember babies are more efficient at removing milk than breast pumps (if thats how you are measuring it). Other things that help maintain a good supply are making sure you hydrated and eating enough (protein is good, I ate a lot of eggs when I wanted to create an over supply for a freezer stash). Hope this helps 💕 you are doing great!

It it’s unlikely to have dropped below what your baby needs , are you just noticing softer boobs? your milk is likely regulating and your body is now producing just what baby needs, no need to pump unless baby isn’t gaining weight having wet/dirty nappies Check this lady out for anything you’re not sure on, she’s brilliantly informative

At 6-8 weeks your body will start to produce more than 60% of milk during the feed so you don't end up feeling like heavy breast where as at first they fill up beforehand. If you little one isn't grumbling they are hungry after feed don't worry its still producing enough.

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