Harvesting Colostrum

I’ve tried harvesting colostrum for the first time this evening and got the below. Feel quite proud as it’s my first time and think I’ll get a bit better each time. I just have a few questions I’m hoping others can answer… It seems very pale and watery, is this normal? Do I need to use a new syringe everytime, or can I add to the same syringe when I try again in the morning? Do you need to freeze right away, or is it ok in the fridge for a day or so (I want to defrost and clean my freezer in the morning before I put any in there)
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1- yes varies greatly in colour/thickness. Can be almost clear, or golden. 2- you can keep in the fridge for 48 hours and keep adding to it. 3- no, but can only be fridge stored for 48 hours so must go into the freezer. Awesome start and I hope this helps

@Lucy really helpful thank you!

Well done mama!!!

that’s great! Do you buy syringes from the pharmacy? Do we need to sterilize them first?

My first three goes weee yellow then today’s more watery and white- have midwife tomo so was going to mention it to her. Was also wondering about fridge then freezer as at the moment I have 4 frozen syringes with 1-2ml each and just seems a waste of syringes!

@Lucy 48 hours? the nhs website and my midwife told me it can be in the back of the fridge for up to 5 days

@Meg if you read bullet 5 on how to express, your trust actually recommend only 24 hours. My midwife said 48 hours is fine before freezing.

@Nicola my friend gave me some that she was given by the midwife, and they’re pretty sterilised in packets. But I’ve ordered some from Amazon, not sure if they’re sterile but I have a cold water steriliser from last baby that I can use x

@Lucy but at the top it also says 5 days? i just don’t understand the difference 😅

@Meg one is keep filling and freeze. Once frozen use within 6 months. The other is fridge store and use within 5 days after removal from the freezer, hence best kept in the freezer bag. I don't think it's written very clearly

@Lucy ohh that makes sense, thank you!! i only ask because ive started harvesting colostrum recently too, have been refilling the one in the fridge over 3 days so looks like that will be used for a bath only now 🫣

Asked my midwife today and she said keep topping up the fridge one for 24hours then freeze :)

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