Colostrum after c-section

Anyone that had a c-section, when did your colostrum start coming in? I had an emergency c-section yesterday and my LO is currently in the neonatal unit and they asked me to hand express colostrum. I tried all day and nothing is coming out
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I tried hand expressing before and never had luck. I had a cat 3 csection (she decided to come 2 days before my planned) so I brought premade formula in case. I ended up not needing it as once she latched, colostrum was fine! 3 days post and milk has not come in yet but I'm still BF on demand. Midwife weighed her and said she must still be getting what she needs as weight is fine. I hope this helps!

@Sheri yes thank you ☺️

Can your partner try if you have one, I can never get anything but can if my partner does it

Could you possibly try asking the hospital if they have an electric pump to help with the stimulation? Especially since baby is in NICU they could offer you one to use to get your colostrum and eventually milk flowing. Good luck x

@Lulu I asked the midwife at the ward and she said I should continue hand expressing they don’t recommend using a pump.

That makes sense since colostrum comes out in small quantities they probably won’t want you to miss it since the e pump can be a bit vigorous. Are you able to be next to baby in the neonatal unit while trying to express? If not have you got a picture of them on your phone? I had an unplanned c section and had never been able to express until after I had baby, though we weren’t in NICU. Up to now on day 12 I’m still getting the smallest bits of milk which came in quite late. It’s very possible baby being in NICU is making you unable to relax which is so understandable so please take it easy on yourself! You’re doing amazing and one day you’ll forget this little difficult part I promise. Ask your partner or someone supporting you to bring you your fave foods and drink lots of water, listen to a song you love, watch a show you like - anything to help you relax - and massage at the same time now and then. It’s only a matter of time xx

I was never able to hand express colostrum prior to birth or after birth however yesterday at 15 days post partum I was able to pump quite a bit after I had been leaking for a few days, I did have a day or two around 12 days pp where my boobs hurt and felt really full so not sure if then would’ve been a more optimal time to try the pump but personally glad I waited until that pain had subsided

@Lulu thank you so much! I will try and express tomorrow whist with him. I also took lots of pictures of him. Will keep trying. X

Good luck hun, and if you haven’t seen this video this is what I used to help me express initially:

@Lulu thank you for the video. I was finally able to express some colostrum last night and this morning 🙏🏾 I appreciate your help

I’m so pleased for you, well done! 💕💕💕

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