Correct flange size?

*Please disregard my cheap bobbly pumping bra 🙈* Does this 17mm flange look the correct size for me? I use the Spectra S1 to pump and get very little output so wondering whether the flange may be the incorrect size? I am new to pumping and inexperienced so no judgement please 🙏🏼 Thank you!
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Does it hurt when you pump at all? The best way to know if it’s super uncomfortable and it feels like it’s giving you like a rug burn type of feel. It does look a little small

I'm in the same boat, I have no idea which flange size to use and can't seem to work it out from these diagrams

@Katrina No it doesn’t hurt at all even on the highest setting, I’m not sure if my nips are just desensitised from breastfeeding etc

@Jenny it’s a minefield isn’t it, I used a measuring tool to measure mine but have no idea if I got it right or not

I've used a free one I was given but it's even numbers and my flanges are odd numbers. So like the measure I've got shows that I'm 18mm I think but I've only got 17 and 19mm flanges ... I'm assuming I go up a size and not down but really scared if nupple trauma, my LO is on a feeding plan so can't afford to have sore nipples when I'm feeding every 3 hours

@Jenny Ahh that’s confusing! I think I would size up, some people use coconut oil whilst pumping to prevent sore nipples but I’ve not tried it myself

Oh ok, I'll keep that in mind 😊 best of luck with it lovely 🤞 us Mamas will get there eventually lol x

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