Dream feeding

Does anyone recommend dream feeding? Does it work? If so, what do you do?
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Just done it for my little boy. His last feed before bed tends to be about 6:30 which I know he won’t last the night so I give him a feed at around 10ish.. wake him up slightly by changing him but his still sleep y tjen feed him back to sleep where he has around 3/4oz and will go till 6am xx

I only do it for LG hasn’t had enough through the day - which isn’t that often Today she had her first at 8am and then I’ve just done a dream feed where she’s taken 3oz to top up her daily amount as was quite low compared to her normal amount I literally just carefully pick her up out the next to me and feed her. I know some people change bums but she’d be wide awake if I done this and then wouldn’t go straight back down x

i did it once, little girl stayed completely asleep while changing her nappy, feeding and winding her and then as soon as i put her back in bed she was wide awake and wouldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours (after another bottle), haven't done it again since

I did it once for my girl before she surpassed her birth weight, she was very sleepy and didn’t wake for her feed like normal, now I can leave her to sleep so I haven’t done it since x

We dream feed every night and works for us. Dream feed around 9:30/10pm and she usually then goes til 7am. She does sleep on us in the evening and goes jn her next to me after the dream feed. Is Breastfed so works for us to just top her up.

Thanks all! Really helpful

@Tilly same thing happened to me the first time I tried it too 🤣 probably the worst decision in motherhood I ever made was trying to dream feed thag night 🤣

I’d never be able to get the bottle in her mouth. She goes all tight lipped unless SHE asks for the bottle 🍼

@Shannon i tried it when she was a couple weeks old because she woke up crying so i made her a bottle and when i came back in she was knocked out bless her, but since then i've never done it again and she's slept through the night ever since lmao

My baby is absolutely useless asleep 😂 I’ve tried to dream feed but it just doesn’t work for us, I’ll put her on the boobie and she’ll suckle twice before falling back asleep 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have to nudge her to keep sucking and even then I don’t think she gets any milk cause it’s half arsed 😂

Dream feeing works really well for us! We feed the baby around 12/1 when we go to bed and he sleeps through the whole night. We only feed him what he wants to eat, never force it down. Our baby is about 3 months old

Mine dreams about eating while asleep so we just place the bottle in her mouth and she's off eating without being woken even a little bit. We have been doing this since she was born because she just wouldn't wake up.

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