Baby getting sick

Anyone have experience with their newborn getting sick? My daughter is 6 weeks old and I’m starting to get sick. I’m super super anxious about my kids getting sick and always think of the worst case scenario, but I’m especially worried about her since she’s so young. I’m wearing a mask around her even though she’s probably already exposed to whatever I’m getting, and I know to go to the ER if she gets a fever!
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My baby caught Covid in NICU at 4 weeks. He was a little lethargic for 2 days and didn’t eat much. After that he had a stuffy nose for about a week. They would suction his nose out daily. He never ran a fever.

My 5 week old has strep. My 3 year old and 2 year old got it from daycare and gave it to the baby. Poor guy has been miserable all week not wanting to nurse. Only wanting to drink cold milk. And he had a horrible rash over his whole body. I had to go see 3 different doctors for them to believe me something was wrong with my baby. Everyone kept saying he had a dairy allergy. But my mama gut just knew. Always trust your gut instincts and take your baby in and if need be ask for a second opinion.

@Monique wow so sorry your baby got Covid, glad to hear it was so mild for him! Thanks for sharing, helps make me less anxious!

@Christina ugh that sucks that doctors wouldn’t believe something was wrong!! Hope he feels better soon. Thanks for sharing!

My 5 week old has the summer sniffles. He got something from older brother when he brought something home from daycare. All I can do is nasal drops & a humidifier

@gina so sorry he’s sick- that’s so hard with older siblings in daycare!! Hope he gets better soon, thanks for sharing!

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