baby's weight

my little girl is 3 months and 4 weeks old and she weighs 15lb 10oz, she loves her milk, but the health visitor says she's concerned about her weight, my baby is on the 90th percentile, is there anything i can do to get her weight back down? should i be worried? she's not moving about like not even trying to roll or anything, she'll sometimes lift her bum up when i change her nappy but that's about it
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That sounds completely normal, I wouldn’t worry not sure why the health visitor seems concerned about it ? X

Why is health Visitor concerned ? My LO is 16lbs at 15 weeks , we saw HV this week and she is absolutely happy with her weight .

My baby boy is on the 95th percentile weighing 7.1kg at 13 weeks, we saw the HV two days ago and she congratulated us and seemed very happy. No idea why it would be of concern! Some babies are just big. x

I agree with the comments, my little one is in the 91st percentile and HV isn't concerned one bit, they said he's thriving! Take no notice lovely. X

My girl is breastfed, shes 98th percentile! At 15 weeks she was 16lb7oz. No one have said they are concerned x

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