How are you coping with sending your baby to daycare?

It may come down to daycare being our only option, and I am not okay. If you send your baby to daycare do you like doing so? What do you look for in a daycare? What puts you at ease knowing your baby is in the care of strangers all day?!
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Speaking on when I sent my other children to daycare… you really just have to look around and trust your gut. Have all of your questions ready and ask them EVERYTHING you want to know.. if they’re on gooogle, check reviews.. any sign of something uneasy, go to the next option.. there are really some good daycares out here you just have to research a bit

Started my baby at 11 weeks. Camera is a big plus so I can check in on him during the day. They asked us to fill out a worksheet about things but also just describing his general quirks to the teachers has been helpful. They actually seem very good at their jobs and picked up on things about him very quickly. His days there vs days at home on the weekend are very similar regarding nap times, feed times, play, etc. so I think babies just adapt to their environment.

Alot of places have cameras where you can watch your baby Where I live I don't want foreigners with my child that's all here smh I have the luxury of not having to put him in daycare but that means I'm unable to work I want to move or bring my sister here to live with us to help but we gotta wait til we get a bigger apt than our one bedroom not til December

@Abby you have access to a camera at your child’s daycare?

@Priscilla I had no idea places have cameras that parents have access to. That’s a relief for sure if you’re lucky enough to find one of those places.

- In-person tour of the exact spaces and with exact teachers your baby will be with ( observe how the teachers respond to the children & ask questions for anything you see and feel unsure of) - it’s important to understand how they approach attachment bonding, important for infancy… is there an assigned teacher to your child? So they rotate teachers but keep baby in same room? How are multiple crying babies comforted? Naturally babies bond with parents so anything close to that is good. - Parent accessible videoing is a BIG stress reliever and most modern daycares have that option We do a nanny- share. We have a nanny that comes to our home and another little girl comes with our daughter. So we share the nanny between two families and split the cost. We posted an add for a nanny and told her another kid would join. Then we found a family close by who needed care and we vibed with. She sends pictures and feels like our family. The only thing is the time off, we have to call out work.

Yes only the infant room, could be the area you live but like all of them do in big cities I'm in Miami

We are starting daycare at the end of August. I'm so sad to leave my baby. I did it with my first but she wasn't breastfed. I just know that he's taken care of and I know they need to bond with other people. I write out a schedule so they follow that same routine we do at home. We live in a small town which helps. I know who is taking care of my child.

@Alyssa I just want to cry. My baby is also breastfed. And since I’m not working he been exclusively breastfed. He’s drank from a bottle but to go all day without mom I just worry about him adapting and hope that whoever is watching him has the patience and compassion to understand

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