
Im a huge Kardashian, Jenner fan. And I watch there routines daily. Can someone explain to be how they have so much energy. For example they wake up at 4am and workout at 5am before there kids even get up and all day they are spending with there kids and doing photoshoots and events and travel and there up super late and then wake up crazy early and do it all over again. I’m a stay at home of a 3 month old and starting a new job on the first of August and trying to find time to meet with my personal trainer and cook and meal prep and do laundry and do dishes and keep the room clean and eat and shower and I just don’t know how to function on such little sleep can someone please help me figure out how to fix this!!!
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All I can say is you’re not getting the full picture. They are literal millionaires with all the help that money can buy, most of which is edited out. The real world mamas are struggling just like you. Your 3 month old is just working their way out of the newborn phase, give yourself some grace!

Every single one of them has a nanny and I’m pretty sure I read that Kim has multiple Nannies but they are purposely left out of the show, they have personal assistants, managers, chefs, trainers, maids. They can do it all cause they can pay for it all. Don’t compare your self to them it’s unrealistic

Well regardless I still have to get done all the things I listed off. So the question still stands of how do I get myself to have the energy to get all those things done?

They have help. Hired help. They’re not cooking meals, cleaning the house, getting kids to appointments, doing laundry, any of it. They each have multiple nannys, drivers, housekeepers, personal trainers, chefs. They don’t do it all, but they have an entire team dedicated to selling their brand and making it seem like they do. It doesn’t seem possible because it’s literally not. You’ll adjust to your new life with a baby and learn how to balance getting life stuff done too, but don’t compare your real life to any one else’s very carefully curated public persona.

I think the only real way to do everything they do is to hire people to help like they did. I’m also a sahm with an 18 month old but I didn’t return to work. The only way I’m able to wake up at 6am to workout or do other things and not feel tired is because I have my nanny.

aside from hired help, i'm sure coke does the trick!

You don’t. What you’re describing is too much for any one person. Put some things on the back burner and pick out a few of the most important tasks to you. Working out while your child is this young doesn’t seem feasible to me without help so I’d let that go for now. @Bre has the right idea.

I could never compare myself to a family like that, give yourself some grace. They have resources and options beyond most of our wildest dreams I’m sure! It has to help them also not to mention the amount of money they make in a single hour lol I’d have some extra pep in my step too if that were me

I saw a couple online whose rule for cleaning is once the kids go to bed clean for 15 mins. They team up and do different tasks, they try to do stuff during the day too like laundry but 15 mins before bed is dedicated to cleaning. I do this by washing all my bottles and pump parts and doing the dishes from that day. During the day I try to do a load of laundry or vacuum in spurts but I do about 10-15 mins at night dedicated to a task I cant do with my LO, he is 2 months old. I also recently started baby wearing so today I did the dishes with him strapped to me. I also just accepted that I cant have a real schedule or a perfectly clean apt. Hope that helps!

Be kind to yourself. You don’t have countless Nannies, personal chefs, assistants etc. it’s not relatable. My only advice and what helped me was I picked different days in the early weeks/months to do things and continued when I went back to work. So Mondays, I’d do the bathrooms and a load of washing. Tuesday I’d do xyz xx

It’s not possible, it’s all an illusion, don’t believe everything you see on social media, it’s a carefully curated highlight of their lives.

Don’t compare yourself to people that you know much less almost fictional characters. Plus, even IF that’s real (It’s not) who couldn’t wake up “early” to be a millionaire? They probably go right back to bed after pretending they’re so great IF they’re even up that early

Everyone is correct about not comparing. I suggest getting some blood work done to make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins or minerals. I take vitamin B12 and iron along with other things that help my energy level. Having a routine also helps.

They are billionaires They don’t cook They don’t clean They don’t look after their kids all the time They don’t food shop Everything is handed to them on a,wardrobe,makeup,dietitian,private jets,drivers,trainers,best doctors,cutting edge drugs.. Mums are already awake all hours so it’s doable. Everything they are doing is fun and not hard work, anyone could do it. I’m not saying anyone could build the business they did. But anyone could live their life if they had the money

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