Feeling sad about second

Anyone else? Not sad for his arrival but just feeling really sad my little girl (first) will no longer be my tiny baby. She’s two and the most beautifully adorable little girl. She’s just perfect and has the most gentle personality with such confidence. I really don’t want her to be upset or feel any less special than she is. Just crying thinking about it.
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Oh my god I cried to my sister on Tuesday this week about this about my lil girl. I thought it was just me and I got really sad and cried lol I know she will be okay but it’s the not knowing I’m defo there with you have a cry you will feel better xxx

Yes. I feel like his little world is about to change and he doesn't even know it! And i just have bEen watching him sleep getting emotional about it all 😭 xxx

I’ve been given my due date for induction and I want to cry all the time because I know I’m going to have to leave my little boy and that he’s not going to be the baby anymore 🥹 I just love him so much and feel like his world is going to be turned on its head x

It’s not just the leaving her for a couple days to go to hospital as such it’s, her. She’s perfect I really don’t want this change to change her personality or upset her. She’s the best thing to happen to us we love her so much. I think or at least hope she will be ok she likes playing with other children and is always trying to share (her raisins with some strangers at the park this week 😅) I know she will be ok - but maybe I won’t!

@Danielle 🥲🥲

I feel the exact same! I want him to come soon but I’m really not ready. I feel pressured to be the best Mum I can be to both of them, when I’m already feeling guilty about not spending as much time with her due to nesting or being physically able to as I’m so big. She’s so understandable, bless her but this is only the beginning. I’m going to dread the Mum guilt 😩 I think this is why my blood pressure has been so high every time I’ve had my midwife appointments, just feel so overwhelmed with it all so you’re definitely not the only one!

@Ana oh Lord yeah that might be why, my little one has been with her nanny whilst I’ve been working and she will be in September going to nursery 2 days a week (8:30-3) and I feel even then like I’m shipping her off but I will probably need the break from two of them! Currently it’s hard to move anywhere I definitely believe it’s got to be easier physically once he’s born! I haven’t packed my bag just procrastinating doing it

My sons 5 and he’s so sweet bless him I also feel the same, his due date was the day before my daughters due date and he was born on the 16th so I feel so guilty, he even said he’d wait to have his birthday 🥲 I’ve loved watching him grow up so much and I honestly feel so scared hes probably going to grow up much faster! He’s been my life for 6 years and sharing my time just makes me sad 😞 but I’m sure when my daughter is here the worry and sadness will go away, he’s so happy to be having a little sister it really does warm my heart ♥️

Yep. So worried it’ll change things and she’ll feel pushed out but I’m going to do everything I can to try make that not happen and try give as much attention as I can. She’s got so much more cuddly recently and asking for kisses too and it makes me so emotional because I just keep thinking in 3 weeks it’s not longer just us as there’ll be another baby to think about. Trying to make every day count but it’s so hard to when I physically can’t do much at the moment due to pgp etc so that makes me feel even worse

Ahh I feel the same, my daughter goes to nursery 3 days a week and I dread the 2 days in the week it’s just me and her because I know I’m going to be absolutely exhausted by the end. Then I feel guilty for sitting around and not doing anything with her but also not getting any nesting done. Don’t worry, I also haven’t packed my bag! I think I’m slightly in denial about it all! Mixed feelings, I want him to come but reeeally not ready to deal with all of the emotions

I feel this very much at the beginning of my pregnancy which made me feel so low and depressed. When I realised I was grieving that my son will no longer be the only child and is able to share how I feel, eventually I start to feel better. I am anticipating big changes but it feels less scary now though I also anticipate it will be emotional when the baby is here. 💕

@Ana this is the same, my MIL has her currently 3 days a week whilst I work then I have her the other two. Moving is such a struggle and I don’t want her to be bored with me. She’s become so cuddly and constantly says hi mama and when I leave her with her dad she screams for me. Maybe this weekend I’ll try get some sorted and do something special with her. Hope all goes well for you!

Thanks everyone good to know it’s normal feeling just hope what I’ve read somewhere is true, your love isn’t halved it’s multiplied.

I cried about this yesterday too. I don’t think I’m ready for her not to be my “baby” anymore and have such guilt about how much her little life is about to change. @Jess my daughter is doing the same then, I saw this on Instagram. I don’t know if it’s true but I’m hoping so, it’s made me feel a little bit better. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5jIGbeuwdG/?igsh=MThueTNvMXZyd2w3

I really feel this. Sending all the love xxx

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